Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

“I'll pick you up at six?” Pree leaned closer and pecked my lips

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“I'll pick you up at six?” Pree leaned closer and pecked my lips. How familiar have I gotten with the gesture now? I used to cringe away whenever he touched me in public. But I was deep in the closet those days. I was afraid of my father. I was afraid of homophobic assholes, with good reasons too. No one knew how much I suffered for being different.

But now I only care for Pree. Because loosing him was the worse thing that happened to me. I found that out the hard way. Now I love openly and kissed freely. And it’s making me so exhilarated.

“Bye, Pree.” I waved and exited his expensive rented car.

I've gotten lot better. AA meetings have helped me a lot. Today is my fourth meet. And I intend to do well because I need to be well for Pree.

Pree his the one and only man I’ve ever loved. It was love at first sight. I smiled to myself pushing opened the door to the meeting room.

There are about ten chairs placed in a circle. Some of them are occupied, some empty. I nodded to them and sat besides a girl with purple lines in her shoulder length hair.

“Hi” She smiled.

“Hey” I nodded. I’m still wary of strangers.

“Names Jenn.” She offered.

“I'm Rambo”


“Alcohol, drugs both.” I sighed.

“You’ll be alright.”

“I know.”

“Alright people we have another new member today.” The leader of the group clapped. We looked at him. He was with a scrawny, waif like guy. We all eyed the new member. It’s not a pleasant thing. I remembered my first day. But we are all broken and no one judged anyone.

“Will you introduce yourself?” P'Ten, our leader spread his arms looking at the new guy. He looked around the room full of people in disinterest. P’Ten urged him to talk.

“I'm Bew, and I’m here because my mom forced me.” He mumbled and slumped down. Few gasped, at his careless words but others didn’t care. It’s how some people are. They just take some time to get through to.

“Alright, Rambo?” I looked up. “You wanted to talk at the last meeting but we didn’t have enough time. Are you still ready?” he asked kindly. I exhaled a long breath and wiped my palms over my jeans clad thighs. I need to do this. No matter how hard and scary I need to do this for Pree, for me. I slowly stood up.

“Hello everyone, my name is Rambo and I’m an addict.” I breathed a little easier when those words came out of my mouth. Everyone clapped, someone patted my hand.

“Very good Rambo.” P’Ten smiled. “Do you wish to continue?” I nodded. “Excellent, go ahead.” He waved his hand.

“I'm gay.” No one made a sound. I looked at the faces around me. No one is laughing at me. “I was in the closet because my father was strict.” I can here my voice resonate in the room. It’s the first time I’ve ever spoken those words. “Due to my stupidity, my cowardice I lost the love of my life.” I looked around someone was shaking my their head, disapproving my actions. “That led me to drinking and then bad company and finally to drug induced coma.” The room is silent.

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