Chapter Sixteen

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"....Sometimes I look back and think about what really went wrong in my life. I had everything. I was young, beautiful and rich. I had the most luxurious life and a perfect job. Most importantly, I had a handsome man loving me to death. He was even ready to marry me."

I licked my lips and took in the faces of people sitting around me, listening to me with utmost care. It's been twelve days since Pree's departure. I won't say I'm one hundred present okay. But I'm getting on well and I'm getting better. I focused on getting better. It's my goal now.

"Then I realized that it wasn't my father who destroyed my life. He was against my relationship with Pree, my boyfriend. My father wanted me to marry a woman. I could have said no. I could have run away with Pree. I knew he was capable of taking care of me. We might not have the luxuries my father could offer. Yet we could have been happy."

I stopped and took in a deep breath.

"It's alright Rambo," P'Ten, our team leader leaned forward and looked at me with concern. "Do you need a minute?"

"No, no I'm fine," I laughed softly. "It's much easier to open up now."

"Very good, Rambo. Now back to your story?"

"I was weak," I spat out that word in disgust. "I was too weak to say no when my father forced a girl up on me. I was weak to say no to alcohol, drugs and then finally unprotected sex. I should be saying no to all those things. But all I did was let people manipulate me."

I could feel Dew's eyes on me. He's been coming to meetings on and off but he didn't try to talk to me after that very first day. His mother would always drop him off and pick him up. He knows who I'm speaking about and it seemed to gain his interest.

"But not anymore," I said confidently.

"Bravo," P'Ten started clapping. The team members joined.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"Do you think you are ready to face the world now Rambo?" P'Ten asked with a smile on his lips.

"I think I am, P'Ten." I said proudly.

"In the history of being a team leader, I've never met anyone who is determinant to get better than you are Rambo." P'Ten said proudly.

"That's all for Pree." I smiled. "Everything for him. I would do anything to be worthy of him."

"I'm sure you are, Rambo." P'Ten nodded and turned to another member.

"Hey!" Jenn greeted me with a smile.

We're walking out of the building after the meeting.

"So is your famous heroic boyfriend is here to pick you up today?" She craned her neck side to side looking at the parking lot.

"No, he's not here today," I laughed. "He went to the USA,  for a short trip."

"Aww.. too bad." She winked flipping her purple strands behind her ear.

"Can you keep a secret?" I bit my lips with excitement. I have to tell her. Throughout the weeks of group therapy, she's become a good supportive friend.

"Of course boy," She gave an indignant look. "What did you take me for?"

"Sh.." I moved closer. "He proposed to me." Her eyes widened.

"He proposed to me." I grinned repeating my words.

"Eeee..." She screamed jumping on the spot.

"Sh..." I laughed trying to cover her face. The car park is deserted but I don't want any attention.

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