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Spectrum groaned and breathed slowly. She whimpered in fear, and didn't understand what was happening.

Why were they tieing her up and capturing her?

Fear sank back into her chest again.
She couldn't trust anyone anymore.
Then the girl came to Spectrum's side and stroked her head.

Well, maybe she can trust Ivy...

Just something about the girl made Spectrum feel safe, Ivy's touch gave her comfort. Spectrum looked into her eyes and whimpered.

Ivy snapped at Noah, "We're not dragon trappers!"

"You sure about that?" He smirked deviously as if he was proud of accomplishing something.

Vapor snarled and bared his teeth as he ran over her side. He retracted his spikes and cut the rope around her head. Ivy pulled the rest off, and her eyes were filled with tears. Spectrum got up to her feet and heard the sound of a string being plucked.

She caught the scent of another human and spotted him simultaneously as he let go of the arrow. Her eyes widened in surprise as she bent her head down and sprinted towards Ivy. Spectrum roared and opened her wing in front of Ivy as the arrow pierced it. She growled and glanced at Noah's devilish smirk.

Spectrum felt a wave of exhaustion and the presence of sleep overtaking her. Her eyelids drooped as she fell to the ground. She breathed heavily as the girl rushed to her side. Spectrum whimpered and felt Ivy's head on her body. She let out one last groan as life flashed away before her eyes.

Spectrum woke up in an unfamiliar place and saw Vapor sitting in the cell next to her. Vapor was growling and kept banging his body against the cage. He was angry and frustrated.

"Vapor..." Spectrum grunted to him.

"Spectrum! Are you okay?" Vapor looked at her and smiled out of relief.

"Yea, I think—ARGHHHHHH!!" Spectrum roared in pain as her bones started cracking. Vapor watched in confusion and fear.

"Spectrum!" He roared.

Her body ached everywhere as she shrank back into a human. Other people ran into the room and saw her turning. Spectrum was gone, it was only Ember now. Ember laid on the floor and got up weakly. She looked around at her surroundings.

"Where the hell am I?" She whispered to herself.

"OH GOD! She's naked, get clothes for her stat!" One boy shouted and looked away. The other guys ran out of the room. Ember eyes widened as she realized she's exposed.

She quickly covered her nude body and put her legs up against her chest. Ember was super confused. She was in a cage and there were chains for dragons on the ground next to her. She looked to her left, there was an ice dragon in the cage next to her.

She breathed heavily but something warm sparked in her chest. This dragon was a friend of Spectrum. She can trust him.

"Vapor..?" Ember said softly. She could never remember things whenever she turned but this time it was different. She felt more connected to her dragon counterpart.

She noticed another girl sitting in a separate cell on her right. She was knocked out and had her back facing Ember. The other guys finally came into the room and held clothing for her.

"We are so sorry that we took long sir." One guy said and the boy who seems like the leader put his hand up to them.

"Just give the damn clothes to her." He said rudely as the guy who held the clothes walked towards Ember. He threw them through the bars and it landed right in front of her.

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