{ eight }

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It was late at night as they all sat together around the fire. Vapor was sat away from them, since he couldn't stand the heat. He lied down and sighed peacefully.

Finally, everyone was happy. Ember smiled as she looked at Ivy and Noah. Her jealousy drained and she missed seeing Ivy.

She missed moments like this, just talking to each other, dying of laughter. She giggled softly as Noah tickled Ivy.

"Oh no no no!" Ivy yelled and laughed. Noah hugged her and kissed her.

Ember smiled warmly and glanced at Flicker, how her crystal scales shines in the moonlight. It looked so pretty and it sparkled. It flickered.

Flicker seemed sad, her ears were pinned down and she was sighing sadly. She whined softly and looked into Ember's eyes.

She was concerned and got up and walked over to Flicker. She purred as Ember touched her scales. Flicker let out a small whimper.

"What is it?" Ember asked.

I wanna be free

The dragon's voice echoed in Ember's thoughts. Ember's eyes widened as she understood the dragon.

"Woah..." She said quietly, "Okay girl... I'll tell Ivy." Ember smiled.

"Flicker needs to be set free." Ember told her and Ivy frowned.

"What?" Ivy breathed heavily, "Awww..." She got up and walked over to Flicker.

Ivy began to tear up as Flicker nuzzled her. Ivy giggled sadly as she stroked her head. Ivy took her tack off. When she took the last piece off the bridle, Flicker whimpered.

I'll miss you Ivy...

Flicker purred as Ivy hugged her tightly. Tears seeped down Ivy's face. Flicker was finally set free. She shot up into the sky and roared happily.

Ivy sniffled as Vapor sat next to her. Ivy chuckled softly as she hugged Vapor's snout.

"How'd you know that she needed to be free?" Ivy asked as she moved away.

Ember shrugged, "Suddenly I was able to understand her.." Vapor and Aurora groaned, they were talking to each other.

I miss Spectrum... I wanna see her face again and not see the face of a killer but the face of my best friend...

Vapor's voice echoed in Ember's mind. Ember eyes widened as she listened to them.

Vapor looked down as Ivy stroked his nuzzle, "You okay boy?" Vapor purred as Ivy scratched behind his ear. Ember smiled happily and she turned into Spectrum.

She wasn't punishing herself anymore...

She started shifting as her skin ripped apart into scales. She grew larger into Spectrum and she roared happily and bolted right up into the sky.

She smiled and came dashing back down. She landed swiftly as she nuzzled Vapor and Aurora.

"Oh guys I've missed you." Spectrum purred.

"Spectrum... I- I'm so sorry." Vapor said sorrowfully, "I can't believe that I hurt you and put you through that..." Vapor frowned and looked down in shame.

"Vapor.. it's okay.. you were heartbroken." Spectrum smiled warmly, "I forgive you." She whispered into his ears. Vapor smiled and purred as he nuzzled against Spectrum's neck.

Spectrum's heart suddenly skipped a beat. She felt her whole body heat up as she blushed. She didn't know why but Vapor looked very.. very beautiful.

Spectrum grinned and purred as she nuzzled him back. She felt her heart beat faster when she felt Vapor's ice breath on her scales.

Spectrum was totally blushing now and her scales started to glow. When Aurora noticed, her scales stopped glowing.

"Woah... that was cool." Aurora awed as Spectrum chuckled sheepishly.

"Yea I have no idea what that was." Vapor shrugged as Spectrum sat down with them.

"Wanna race?" Aurora asked them and Spectrum nodded. Vapor smirked.

"Alright the finish line's the next mountain." Aurora smirked slyly. Spectrum laughed as Vapor got into a starting position.

"READY?!" Aurora called out.

"SET...." Adrenaline rushes through Spectrum as her heart pounded.

"GO!!!" Aurora roared as she shot up into the sky. Vapor then Spectrum. Spectrum, of course of being a wind dragon was already dashing in front of them almost at the other mountain.

All of the sudden, she felt ice on one of her wings. The pain was striking through her wing. Her eyes widened and looked back at Vapor. Vapor was laughing simultaneously as she fell through the sky.

She heated up her scales and the ice melted away. She growled annoyingly in frustration. Spectrum shot up into the sky and blew fire balls at Vapor. Vapor dodged all of them except one.

He roared in pain and shook his head. He whined and then blasted an avalanche of ice. Spectrum ducked and chortled at him. He rolled his eyes as Spectrum dashed right past him.

Aurora did a wind blast before Spectrum was able to touch the mountain. Spectrum roared loudly as she crashed into the boulders. She trampled down onto a ledge of the mountain. Aurora gasped and went to check on Spectrum. Spectrum groaned in pain and shook her head.

Aurora gasped, "Oh my god! I am so sorry! Are you okay?!" She asked Spectrum and Spectrum died of laughter.

Vapor already reached the finish line and roared, "YESSS! I AM NOW KING!" Vapor noticed Spectrum and Aurora. His eyes narrowed in confusion as he flew down to them. Spectrum couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh-" She laughed, "Ohh that was so much fun! And how you just didn't notice us, you just kept going." Spectrum giggled uncontrollably.

Vapor laughed too along with her. She sighed a long heavily sigh and grinned.

"Let's get back to Noah and Ivy." Aurora said as she shot up into the sky. She flew back to them as Spectrum and Vapor followed behind.

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