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When we get to New York the guard let Puck in but close when i try to enter with him. " Who are you with?"  before I could speak Puck said :  "Lets see......I was holding her on the way here....dropped in wih her in my arms right in front of you....and tried to walk in with her.I WONDER WHO'S SHES WITH?!"  The guards just stare and mumble they'r apologies.But before we could get far enough one of the guards said :  "What is your business with this mere human? "  "She-" I let out my wings.And they stare.  " Im sorry I asked I apologize for my insulting nosyness please do not punish me." "Get the hell up." I say he looks at me. " GET UP!" he stands. " Look i really don't care.Give me one reason to hurt you.Theres none.Go do your job." People these days.Puck was just staring at me.Then he smiled an continued walking.Strange.(oh im supposed to seperate paragraph sorry guys)

I walk into the castle ad at one point we run into Titania. She looks at me and Puck. "How are you able to handle his foolishness?"  "HEY!!" he says I shrug "Maybe its magic." "HEY!"  "Likely.What do you want?"  I reveal my wings. She looks immediatly happy. " NOW PUCK CAN GET MARRIED!!"   SAY WHAT?MARRIED?

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