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                                                                                              Sabrina's PoV

"Next question?"  I ask "How long have you to been dating?"  "I dunno...Can we have actual questions please?"  "May I ask a question?" "*sigh sure."  "What do you two do at 12:00 at night?" we stand there for about 5 sec's getting redder and redder and at one point Puck just mumbled "We are leaving now...."  "Come on Annabeth and Percy..." I say. 

"Actually now im curious too.What DO you two do at 12: 00 at night?" Percy asked. "How about this.....Instead of torturing you-i will answer you."  he raises his eyebrows. "Actually how about you figure it out when its night?" I say looking at him dead in the eye. "But im sure you'd prefer Annabeth."

I watch him and Annabeth get ridiculously red.That'll show them.We find a boat and we're on our way

"You and Annabeth? " I ask Percy.  "Dork. " Puck says. "I'm not a dork.. "  "And pigs can fly. " "Your really mean sometimes Puck.... "    "Really? Thank you."  "Your not welcome. "  "Who's  mean now? "  "Still you. " 

" YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!! " we kinda just blush. Did I just see a? No doubt about it. "Puck. " I point towards the sea. He looks over and notices it too. We both pop out our wings and dive into sea

I look around.And thats when something cut me.And cut me again and again and again.Tearing up my body not having enough time to heal.And it stings....its stings...."GRIMM!GRIMM!" Eh? I open my eyes to see a bunch of people huddled around me. I cough up sea water and pull the sea weed out of my hair.Percy,Annabeth,Puck,and a bunch of birds.No those are humans with wings.

And thats when a old man said : "Okay we've aided your freind.Now LEAVE! Only our kind is allowed on this island.I stand up and unveil my wings.His eyes go wide.He bows down and says : My queen....     "QUEEN?" we all say at the same time. "Does she not know?" I nod my head no.  "Well for starters you are the Queen of Atlasen.These people here are your:? "    "Friends and tecnical engagement."  "So you've already found us a king?"  "He's heir to  a different land.But indeed." "And what land may that be?" "Faerie."  "I see...."   "Child...Your name is Puck-correct?"   "Yes."  "Will you treat our Queen well?"  he said glaring at him. Pff already protective of me. "O-of course." he replies.he's such a wimp when he's scared. "I AM NOT!" "Sure Puck.."  "What is your name dear Queen?"  "Sabrina."  "Well then Queen Sabrina we must get you to your throne and announce your presence to the people immediatly."  

We walk toward a huge castle.He puts Percy and Annabeth in their rooms and he gets a big one for me and Puck. "Oh yeah....Mister Puck?"   "Yes?"   "Do you like ice hockey?"  he looks straight at this mans face and says "NO." "haaha." "NOT FUNNY!"  I smack him with  a spoon.  "Oh yeah last thing we are going to need you two to produce baby's at one point."  We kinda just stare at him and in sync we yell " JUST GET OUT!!"  he leaves snickering.  "Puck?"  "Yes?" "How are we going to make this work?"  "What do you mean Princess? (sorry i got a bit of chat noir in me...and im not comfortable typing words like...Babe...It just gives me the chills....SO NO BABY THIS NO BABY THAT NO SEX SCENE'S CUZ DIS IS PG AND I AINT GONNA CHANGE THAT!Maybe I will add additional fluff though.OKAY WELL THIS LAST SENTENCE MAKES IT 600 SO BYE GUYS!!

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