Finale Chapter (sequel as well)

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Author Note : The song above doesnt have to do with the story Im just listening to it while working on this.


I wake up confused.I dont remember going to bed.I sneeze due to a lock of blonde hair tickling my nose. The figure stirs.I notice my arms wrapped around the girl.Her head turns over facing me. Which is when I see Sabrina;still sleeping.Thats when I notice.....I have nothing but boxers on,and I see her clothing thrown across the room.WHAT DID WE DO?WE COULDNT HAVE--right? Use your brain Puck.Its quite obvious you did. I strain my brain trying to remember what happened  yesterday. Who even made the first move? Sabrina looks adorable in this peaceful calm state.Her eyes pop open suddenly.And she looks down at herself then at me. "How was it?" WELL THATS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED TO HEAR.I dont remember what happened BEFORE last night but I  do certainly remember what happened after now. Every though every word is now flowing through my mind. "It was great."

She smiles and kisses me. Gently and sweetly.She hops out of bed unclothed clearly not caring. "If you take a shower with me it will save us some time."  I smirk.When did she get like this? I waltz over to her and join her in the coldish shower. When we exit we both put on our clothes. Her,her dress. And me. My hoodie.I bite her ear sexily. As I remember...She was in her cat form yesterday.That could have been fake.Thats when she goes poof into a cat. "Puck?"  "yes?" now im kind of annoyed.The real Sabrina would never act like that. "Thank you for last night." My eyes light up.Maybe-maybe it was her. Just maybe. "No problem." She jumps into my arms and I forget that we are still on the boat.Because of this i walk straight into Dein who simply ignores me.


"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"  I ask grabbing the bars to the small cell. A voice clearly belonging to a grown woman says : "You are Daphne Grimm.The sister of the Queen of the altens right?"  "What are altens?"  "Dont play me as a fool child." I wince noticing a small bruise on my arm and blood leaking from my left leg. My magical Items are still in my cell but well out of reach.Theres not even a bed or a blanket.The floor is tiles.The walls are tiles.Not even shackles. Nothing to climb.Nothing to throw.Nothing around. Im sitting in an empty cube all alone.  "I ask one more time....What do you want from me?"  "I want your child."  "Im not pregnant."  "Youre going to be.PINNOCHIO GET OVER HERE."  P-pinnochio? The criminal? Oh no.


I hop into Pucks arms.He walks me to the courtyard. We do some king queen stuff and the day ends.We go to sleep so that the next day,we would be able to talk.To be energized. I wake up in human form. I dont know why since I have one day left.I wont ever understand why. Because it doesnt make sense. "Puck.We need to talk."  he wraps his arm around my body as if to say hes listening. "I know we havnt had the most stable relationship lately but.. I love you.Its not going to change and I dont want that to change.I love you like your my child."  I kiss him like its the last. We dont take many breaths but we know not to go to far again.He bites my lip making me moan he pulls me closer making me feel protected. This is all I wanted.This is all I expected from love;All I expected from him.

3 years later


Im sitting in the same cell from months ago.Sabrina and Puck have yet to find me.At least I have company now.The company of my child. The child I love. I sit in my cell in the darkness.Shes now a toddler very smart at that.I wont let her take my baby. Do you want to know why Sabrina and Puck havnt found me? The place im in is a enchantment. Whoever put me under it is concious somewhere in the world.I named my baby Asna. Meaning no luck.Or unfortunate. Now you may think this is a cruel name but she was born in a cruel place.

3 months later


Me and Sabrina gave birth to 3 children 3 years ago. Hana is older than Brickson by 2 days. And the youngest whose name is Yugo (from wakfu hehehehehhe) who is youngest by 3 months. Before the children were born me and Sabrina found the rest of the clues. We also found out that Titania had taken Daphne for hostage. We confronted Titania yesterday and killed her. Which means Daphne is in a physical place.The question is....where? We continued searching. And we found her.With a child.We took her home and prepared some food. Her child,Asna made friends with Yugo.Refusing to talk to anyone else other than Daphne. Which makes sense. I would lose complete trust at that point.3 whole years. Three years with only a mom,and nobody else.Thats all.Nothing else.


People these people....I cant trust them.Mommy stay away.Dont trust them mommy.What if they hurt us? Run away mommy.Hide.HIDE I TELL YOU YOU CANT TRUST THEM HIDE MOMMY HIDE.


I look to my right to see Asna gasping for breath.I fumble threw my pockets to find her inhaler. I hand it to her and she takes deep breaths. "I need you to breathe sweetheart.Breathe for me."


The Demon She had hidden

Sabrina and Pucks children have grown in the years. All 3 of them are 15. Asna is on the verge of death because of a mysterious poison. Who gave her the poison?Why would they give her the poison?How could they? Why would they? Who are they? What do they ave against the Grimms? wait everybody has some problem with the grimms but, what has little quiet 15 year old Asna been hiding? What has Asna been doing? Why? Not to mention.... Brickson seems to have some information on what has happened to Asna. But hes refusing to tell why. WHAT DID HE DO?

Coming out someday next month

1007 words in 1 hour 34 minutes.




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