Chapter 1: Bipper's Beginning

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Dipper POV:

Our lives were finally peaceful.
My family and I have, quite literally,
went through hell and back. Starting from when Bill tricked Mabel into breaking the rift, thus, starting Weirdmageddon.

Then, Mabel herself was trapped inside of a Bubble made of her own imagination, and Bill's magic. I had to break her out with one of my worst enemies in the world, Gideon...ugh.

After that, we were somehow captured by him. Bill Cipher.
The crazy, interdimensional, dream dorito.He was sitting leisurely on his Throne of Human Agony, which was made of more than a hundred humans made of stone.
Bill had both me and Mabel in his hands, as Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford were in a cage in the shape of a triangle.

"What do you want Cipher!?!?" Ford screamed from his triangular prison.
"Yeah, let my nephews go!!!"
Yelled  Stan.
" Oh you see fez, that's gonna be a problem. I need at least one of them in order to succeed in my plans. So ya gotta choose one, or they both DIE!"
Spoke Bill, with an evil laugh at the end.

Wait, why would he need one of us?
And did he just say DIE!??!!

Both of the Grunkles were discussing on the matter, until they suddenly stood upright.
     Please, don't fall for it. It's probably just another one of  Bill's tricks.
               Is what I wanted to say, but my mouth wouldn't move. It was as if I was paralysed with fear.
Mabel was able to speak, but I wish she wasn't. She was pleading for her life, begging for my Grunkle to leave me here. Calling me useless, stupid, and... She
I wasn't

     My heart broke.
My world shattered, right in front of me.
But then, I heard a voice in my mind.
         Huh? Bill!?
Get outta my head!!
Woah, chill out kid. I just wanna make a deal.
Heck no!! Like I would ever make a deal with you, out of the question!

Is exactly what I would've said, if I didn't feel so.... betrayed.
It was then that I remembered the three most important words in the journal.


                  T̠̤͈̞͕͙̾͆̍̆͑͋̆r͇̺̰͚̾͂͛̓̇̀͢͡͡u̧̢͇̘̺̬̗̰͑̑͋̊͑s̴̤̬͔̬̯̀̍͌́̇̉͠͝ͅṯ̶̳̩̠͎͖̔̊̽͗͐̂ͅ N̵͔͍̹̣̯̤̩͒͊̽͒̓̋͜ͅó̘̙̟̗̫̼̬̞̋̈̄̚ O̴̠̣͓͙̣͆̓́̾͜͠ń̶͇̪̱̺̙̝̰̍͋̽̚͢͜͞ͅe̸̳̤̟̰͔̎̑̂̈̓̽͊͒.̘̠̤̞̀͗̄͐̾̑̓͢͡

He suddenly appeared before me, pitch black hand extended, lit with a dazzling blue flame.

I don't care if I didn't hear the deal.

I don't care what they think.

I don't care about family.

                       Ī̻̲̥͍̼̍͗̀̒͡ͅ d͎̭̥̝̼̞̣̽͌́́̚͢͡ò͉͖̰͎͎̼̒̆̑̊̐̔̔̐͡n͈̟̹̞̥̪͙̳̿̓̆͊̈̀͟'̶͙̟͖̖̣̄̆͑̚͠ţ̸̨̢̫͔̬̪͔̏́̿͌̈́̓̿̈͒̕ c̛̖͈̙̝̹͈̺̗̬̣̉̒̀͞a̛̫͔̻̗̤͌̈́̅́̚͞r̤͙̹̭͉̊̌̓̆̊͌̚e̷̡͔͔̹͓̠̭͒̂̂̚͘͟͝.

Hi DemonLordRazuan here!!
I will most likely update almost every day. Please comment, vote,  and read!!

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