Chapter 10- Nice Speech, Shakespeare

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I woke up that beautiful Wednesday. No chance of rain; the sky was a perfect Tiffany box blue. But, there was still no way this day could top of yesterday. I smiled to myself as I remembered making out in the rain with...a...human. Mental slap number one. And swam in a pool and almost shared another kiss with...a...human. Mental slap number two. And got electric tingles, from, you guessed it, a human. Mental slap number three. 

I got up before I could mentally abuse myself any further. I got dressed in a silver sequin tank top and blue short shorts. The weather was perfect for this awesome ensemble. I don't know why, but I felt like standing out today. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair, then slapped on a  bit of mascara, finally satisfied with my looks. 

I bounded down the stairs three at a time. I grabbed a bluberry muffin, swung my bag onto my shoulder, and quickly left the house. It didn't take a  rocket scientist to discover my mom was still mad over last night, and therefore wasn't speaking to me. My dad smiled from the kitchen table as I eagerly started walking towards school.

Not too long after, I heard the gentle hum of an engine. I turned around, expecting Nate in his convertible. I was very surprised to see Aidan, driving the best pick up truck I'd ever seen. It was faded blue, and looked like it was about to collapse, but I instantly loved it.

"Well, hey there, hot stuff," Aidan joked, stopping the car right next to me. He was joking, right? I'm not pretty. I turned and looked up at him in the drivers seat. His beat up old pick up truck was raised slightly higher off the ground.

"Hey," I smiled. 

"You want a ride?" he asked. I hesitated before nodding and running in front of the truck and then climbed into the passenger's seat. It was hard, the truck was pretty big and I wasn't very tall. I'm sure it was easy for Aidan, though, he's really tall. The car smelled just like him; pine and summer rain. I buckled up, secretly trying to inhale as much of Aidan's scent as possible. It was amazing and I wanted to bottle it up and sell it. Is that creepy?

"Thanks," I breathed. "Walking to school sucks. Takes forever!" He laughed and began to drive forward. The truck was warm and comfortable and I felt happy. 

"Glad I could be of assistance, then," he said, smiling to himself and focusing on the road, only one hand on the steering wheel. He was so carefree. I loved it.

"You eating lunch with us today?" I asked.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna sit with Diana." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "I'm just kidding, angelfish," he said. "Of course I'm sitting with you." I smiled and just stared at him for a moment. He really was handsome; dark hair, warm brown eyes, tan skin, muscular...

He looked at me and I glanced on the road. I was blushing because he's seen me checking him out. He smiled, let out a little laugh, and then pulled into the school's parking lot. 

"What's your first-period class?" he asked. I closed my eyes, focusing. I am terrible with stuff like this, I never remembered. 

"Uhhh...I think it's English today," I said. He unfolded a white piece of paper and looked at it. The crumbling was the only sound for a little bit.

"Same here!" he cheered. I snatched the paper from his grip and scanned it a couple times, trying to remember my own schedule. 

"We...have every class together but math," I said in disbelief. His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Really?" He smiled. I nodded and handed him back his schedule. Should I be happy, because it's better to spy on him? Or worried, or upset? I was confused, that's what. He killed the engine and hopped out of the truck before coming over. I began to open the door. 

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