Chapter 15- And the World Just...Stopped.

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heyy guys, it's Kat :) I am sooo happy that you all are enjoying this book so far :D 


I awoke with a start, late morning sunlight streaming through my windows. The sunlight was aimed directly at my eyes, so I put my arm across my face as to not be blinded. Annoyed that I couldn't sleep later, I shoved the covers off me. I was then greeted with a freezing cold chill as the warmth of my bed sheets left. The wooden floor was awfully cold, except in a patch of sunlight. 

The analog clock on my wall read one thirty, and I shuffled to my dresser. Realizing I had my date with Nate tonight, my heart started to beat faster. I don't know what to wear, because I have an awful fashion sense. I reached for my phone on the top of my dresser, dialing Paisley's number.


"Hullo?" she said drowsily.  Judging from the thickness of her voice, I could tell I had just woken her up. 

"Can you help me get ready for my date?" I asked quietly, afraid my parents would hear. My dad would be fine with it, but my mother is so strict, I don't like to tell her anything anymore. It's like my whole life is a secret, and I would never trust her with it. 

"Wha? With who?" 

"Nate," I answered promptly, rocking back and forth on my heels. 

"Umm, well you see, I'm kinda busy," she answered. I could picture her biting her lip and staring at the ceiling. She only does that when she lies.

"You don't want to help me?" I asked, trying to conceal the hurt in my voice. I couldn't hear the hurt, but the bitterness was evident. 

"Well, it's not that, it's just I-" 

"Save it, I know you don't like him," I hissed. I tapped my left foot repeatedly, and then walked out of the sunlight, flopping on my bed.

"I like him, but it's, I just-"

"Oh my god," I said, realization washing over me. "You like him," I hissed, bitter. "That's why you want me with Aidan. You want Nate."

"No, it's not that." Her voice was suddenly firm. "I don't like him. I just think you'd be a better couple with Aidan, that's all." I wasn't sure whether I bought it or not. 

"You don't have to come over," I whispered, confused. I hit the end button on my phone and tossed it onto my white shag rug. I covered my head with a memory foam pillow, and screamed with my mouth closed. The sound was muffled as I let the shriek build inside me. There was no possible way I could get this done.

I stood and ran my fingers through my dark brown hair. "Ugh," I groaned loudly. Suddenly, a crumpled ball of paper flew in through the open window. I walked over to it and picked it up. It looked like a normal piece of plain white paper. I smoothed it out, un-crumpling it. 

I'll pick you up at 4, okay? See you then :)


I smiled to myself and set the note down on my night stand, next to an old glass of water that was now empty. I put my 'game face' on as I walked to my closet, determined to find a suitable outfit. I pulled out a pair of neon pink vans, a pair of white shorts, and a neon pink shirt with a purple bow on the collarbone. I laid the outfit out, and got ready.


I towel dried my hair, standing in my bathroom. The bare lightbulbs around my mirror gave it an old Hollywood vanity mirror feel, illuminating my face from every angle. I put the slightly damp towel on the counter next to my small makeup kits. 

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