Chapter 11- Why Do You Look So....Exercisey?

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Art was fine. Aidan sketched more pictures of me, and in the time I finished my self-portrait, he'd drawn four of me. And they were perfect. He's a really good artist, I thought. The bell rang earlier than I would have wished. Aidan had brought me out of the sulky mood Nate had created. We left the classroom, the fluorescents in the hallway blinding me. 

"Do you wanna skip class with me?" Aidan asked suddenly. We were walking down the halls. My eyes widened.Skip class? I'd never have skipped class. But there was something in his smile that made me do what I did.

"Umm, sure," I agreed--this could be a chance for information. "But, won't we get in trouble?" 

"Not if we don't get caught." He smirked and grabbed my hand, sending lightning up my arm. He was pulling me at top speed through the crowded halls. I saw jealous looks from girls as he towed me towards the nearest exit. He burst open the doors and I was greeted with sparkling sun and fresh, warm air. 

We bounded down the cement stairs and onto the grass. He was going really fast, and I was stumbling as he tried to drag me through the forest. Eventually, he threw me over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could while I laughed and smacked his back, yelling "Put me down" and "Let go!" between psychotic giggles Aidan was laughing too. The air was warm, and the wind rustled the trees. 

"Where are we going?" I yelled. 

"No idea," Aidan answered. We settled for a fallen tree trunk enclosed by emerald trees. He put me down and my hair spilled everywhere. I sat up and looked at him.

"Was carrying me necessary?" I asked.

"Yep," he answered. "You were going slow, and you were going to trip and fall. So I helped you out," he said, smiling crookedly.  I laughed at his answer.

"You pick me up too much," I complained. 

"You're very light," he answered simply, smiling broadly.

"Well thank you," I answered. He looked up at the trees. I followed his gaze to a lonely branch with a chipmunk on it. I swear the animal looked down at us, smiled, and scampered away. It was weird but adorable. We looked at each other for a second, both our faces blank. And then we suddenly burst out laughing. At what, I don't know, but it was the hardest I'd ever laughed in my life. He then pulled me down off the log and we rolled around on the leaf filled floor. I noticed some of the leaves were beginning to turn orange and a brilliant yellow; a sign that fall was almost here. 


I toppled off the tree trunk, and I happily dragged Ashlyn with me. We rolled onto the leaf-strewn floor. I felt like I'd known her forever, been her best friend. 

I pinned her under me in a second flat. Damn, she was so cute. 

"Gotchya," I said. She laughed some more. I tried to remember my motives, but Ashlyn was fogging up my brain. Her high pitched laugh with the little snort, her eyes that went from deep brown to blue and back again. "You don't stand a chance, angelfish." I hope she prefers me calling her angelfish than clownfish or fish or something. I don't want her to be offended. It's like my pet name for her. 

"Try me," she challenged. I smirked and leaned in, accepting her offer. My lips crashed onto hers, but gently. She stopped struggling under me, and relaxed, holding my shoulders. I kept mine on the ground like I was doing a push-up. This kiss lasted much longer than our last, and I wanted it to go on forever. Our mouths moved in synchronization, moving in and out for breath. We kept kissing until I pulled away. 

At least she didn't look shocked this time. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were wide. I didn't know how I looked. I just knew that this was the best kiss I'd ever shared. Ashlyn...was perfect. I didn't care that she was a mermaid; I was just happy that she was so sweet and innocent. I just wish Nate wasn't trying to win her over. Damn, I wanted this girl! 

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