Chapter 20- It didn't matter. I love him.

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Plan to get asked out by Nate

1. Dress kinda flirty tomorrow

2. Flirt a little bit

3. If he responds well, ask him to swim later

4. Take him swimming (duh)

5. Have a "moment"

6. Look straight into his eyes

7. Lean in....

8. Kiss :* hopefully...

9. He'll feel tingles like I always do when we touch

10. He'll know he should ask me

This isn't changing his opinion, I feel tingles, I'm just getting him to feel them's only natural, I'm not forcing anything to happen, just urging it on a little. I'm not wrong; is this toying with his emotions? Driven by my revenge on Aidan? No, no, it's not revenge. I like Nate, not speaking to Aidan. I want to be with Nate. And this plan is helping me get the guts up to get him to ask me...does that make sense? No, suppose it doesn't...well, then, who cares. Let's get a move on!

I dug through my closet for a low cut shirt. Of course, I wasn't going slutty, no way. This sheer hot pink shirt made my blue eyes pop and my dark hair had a deep contrast against my pale skin. It was great; and I'm not going to lie, my boobs looked pretty good. I smirked in satisfaction. The lacy, flowy, knee length skirt I had on looked really cute and added a bit of humility. I wouldn't want people staring that much. My knee-high tan leather boots completed the outfit. 

I'll admit, I felt girly and a bit uncomfortable, but I didn't look any different than graphic-tee, jean, and converse wearing me. 

Step 1, complete.

I shifted outside uncomfortably on my front porch, waiting for Paisley to drive by and pick me up like we'd agreed. I fiddled with a strap on my book bag to pass the time, until I heard a car horn beep. My head whipped up, but to my surprise, I saw Nate's convertible. I smiled, seeing Paisley a block or two away, waving and nodding her head. She was...encouraging me? Little miss "Team Aidan"? Close enough. 

I scampered down the front porch steps, crossing my lawn. Ew, the grass is dewy and mud is caking the bottom of my shoes. Nate will have to live with that crap in his car. I let out an insane little laugh as I slipped into the passenger's side. 

"I have a bunch of dirt on the bottom of my shoe," I commented, placing my backpack gingerly on the floor. When I looked up, Nate was staring at my head, his mouth slightly open. Cute, I thought, smiling. He's so socially awkward it's adorable, in a weird way. I'm weird. That was a weird way of phrasing it. 

"You look beautiful," he said, the words almost falling out of his mouth as he blushed slightly. I dropped the black backpack strap and looked him straight in his incredibly blue eyes. The morning gray sunlight was weakly shining through the clouds, and as cheesy as it sounds, the light hit him perfectly. 

"Not to shabby yourself," I  commented softly, the corners of my lips pulling up in an automatic response. My face filled with color. Jeez, I must look like a tomato right now, my cheeks were so red. He smiled goofily and revved the engine, maybe showing of a bit. 

Step 2, complete.

And then he floored it.

I was thrown forward, my face almost smacking into the dashboard. But the seat belt held me back against the seat as I threw my hands up. The wind rushed through my hair as I smiled wildly. The school parking lot came to soon as the bare trees came into view. 

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