Chapter 9- Aidan Pierce Just Stole My Lip Virginity. And I Liked It.

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I heard his voice haunting in my head.

"I think it's taken a liking to me..." he'd said. "Shouldn't be hard, I am gorgeous," I could hear him say. And he heard my siren song...

I stood up from my corner and began to walk down the hallway, wiping my mouth as though I'd just taken a drink. Aidan shut his little phone and smiled at me. I tried to look past my confusion of his phone calls and smiled. His tan skin was glowing, and the fluorescent light even cascaded along it, instead of washing it out. His spiked hair glistened and so did his smile. 

Okay, I have to act naturally; nothing out of sorts.

"Hey baby," he said. I smiled a bit, feeling fake as I did it. 

"Catch you after class," I said. It probably came off as goofy, but he let it slide. I slipped inside the classroom, and everyone looked at me kindly. Not the usual you-just-murdered-someone-you-bloody-criminal stares, but gentle ones. 

"Paisley, he was on the phone again," I whispered to her, sitting down. Paisley didn't look very surprised.

"'Bout time," she said. I gave her a look that said "huh?" and she responded, "I mean, he's had one, time for another! Woo," she cheered half-heartedly. God, she can be so stupid sometimes. I rolled my eyes, ready to fill her in on what I heard of the call.

"Anyways, the call went something like this," I started. Paisley raised one hand in my face.

"Why d-do you care?" she said, stuttering once. "It's not like they concern you or anything."

"But they do," I gushed. "I'm his it! Like an object, an animal to him! And," I said. "He knows I'm a-" crap. Paisley has no idea that I'm a mermaid! "He knows I'm hot and he thinks that means I'm a whore, something he can play with." Nice save, I groaned internally. "Well, I'm not his little play thing."

"Why don't you, oh I don't know, tease him a little. Ya know, make him want you! Be near him as much as possible!" She looked like a child on Christmas, as eager as she could be. "Make Diana jealous! BONUS!" she cheered. She was way to excited over this. 

"Tease him? I don't know..." I contemplated. "Seems wrong. I don't want to be his plaything!"

"Just, be the bait. Lure him in. Get a cute guy, make him love you. Make him need you." For an airheaded idiot, she was very into this. And very fine tuned and in the know about guys and getting boyfriends.

"You sure?" I asked, warily. If anything, it might allow me to get closer and see what he's really up to.

"Positive. After all, isn't he sexy?" 

It made me want to puke. made me want to puke. Ugh, why do I keep thinking of him? Why can't I get mental images of him and Nate out of my freakin' head?

"Okay, I've only known Aidan one day, and he seems to be talking secretly about me," I said, thinking out loud.

"Who cares?" Paisley interjected.

"He's probably got multiple personality disorder," I thought, remembering how his attitude has changed so much throughout the day.

"You can easily overlook that," Paisley said.

"And he's really tall," I thought.

"So?" she said.

"But he's cute," I groaned.

"Totally, what a catch."

"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK?" I burst. Paisley cowered back in her seat, clumsily twirling her hair.

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