Chapter One

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Rey pulled another tray of double chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and slid it onto the cooling rack before moving to the next. The pastor at Charming Baptist had put the order in for the Sunday school class tomorrow and she was almost done. She smiled to herself as she thought about how well her business was taking off since moving to the small town. She hadn't expected to be accepted so easily into the town but here she was, on her way to having a successful business on her hands.

She heard the bell above the front door chime and continued to pull trays from the hot oven as she listened to her cashier Trudy welcome whoever had just entered. A few minutes later, Trudy stuck her head into the kitchen and smiled at Rey.

"Rey, there's a customer here who would like to speak to you about a cake."

Rey nodded at the younger woman and followed her out onto the sales floor, seeing a rather beautiful woman standing there waiting. She put a polite smile on her face as she walked up to the lady.

"Hello. Trudy said you had a question about a cake?"

The other woman gave Rey a small smile. "Yeah, I wondered if you did Welcome Home cakes. See, my grandson was born early and he's finally being sprung from the hospital."

Trudy smiled and nodded. "That's wonderful news! Yes, we do really any kind of cake you could imagine. A welcome home cake would be no problem." She nodded at Trudy. "if you'll just give Trudy here the information, when you need it and such, I'd be happy to take care of that for you."

After saying her goodbyes, Rey went back to cookie duty, smiling to herself as she hummed a song. Yes, by all indications, she was going to like living in Charming just fine.


A Week Later

"Gemma, this is the best cake I've ever eaten! When did you learn to bake like this?"

Gemma snorted in amusement as she watched Bobby shovel yet another piece of cake into his mouth. He was right though. It was the best cake she had ever eaten too. She almost couldn't wait to see how well the other products at the bakery tasted.

"Come on, you should know I didn't bake this. It's from that new bakery in town. Candy Roses?"

Bobby nodded as he closed his eyes and savored the bite he had just taken. Gemma watched as Happy and Chibs shook their heads at their brother, Happy being the one to speak up. "It can't be that good, man. Damn, you act like your smoking prime weed or drinking aged whiskey."

Bobby shook his head as he gave Happy a dirty look. "Try it, man. I'm telling you, this is some good shit. I'm gonna have to visit this shop as soon as possible."


Rey had just set the timer on the oven for the apple pies she had just made when Trudy stuck her head in the doorway with a nervous expression on her face. Rey lifted a brow and grinned.

"What's wrong?"

Trudy pointed back out the door to the sales floor. "There are three guys here... Rey, they're Sons."

Rey felt her smile falter a little but squared her shoulders. She had heard about the Sons Of Anarchy, or SAMCRO as they were called, but had yet to meet any of them. She usually didn't listen to idle gossip and now would be no different. She'd treat these gentlemen the same as any other customer until they gave her a reason not to.

"Well, alright. Why are you back here instead of helping them out there?"

Trudy rolled her eyes. "They wanted to talk to the owner."

Rey grinned, still getting used to being the owner of anything. "Well, that's me then, huh?" Trudy just chuckled as she led the way back out front to where Rey found three very big men waiting. Two were tall and lanky, the other around her height with wildly curly hair. Rey put on a smile for the three men. "Hello, gentlemen. What can I help you with today?"

The tallest one with a bald head was leaning over the display case with his face pressed against the glass like a child, smiling slightly. The man with the curly hair just shook his head and smiled at her as the other man stared at her like she was the second coming.

"Hello. I'm Bobby." He gestured to the bald man. "That one there is Happy and this is Chibs." As she shook hands with all three men, the one named Bobby continued. "We had the best cake the other day and found out it came from here. We wanted to stop in and see what else you had."

The one named Chibs stopped staring long enough to nod his head in agreement with Bobby. "Aye, lass, it was the best I've ever had."

Rey felt her breath catch as he spoke, the Scottish accent nearly sending her to her knees. This man was attractive in a dangerous way. The scar on his face just added to his looks in Rey's opinion and that voice... Lord help her but she was a sucker for a Scottish brogue.

She nodded and turned to the display case that Happy was practically sprawled across, trying to ignore the butterflies that the Scot let loose in her belly. She reached in and plucked a chocolate chip cookie from its tray directly under Happy's face and handed it to the tall man. He looked at the cookie like a lover for a moment before gingerly taking it from Rey's hand. She leaned into the case and grabbed a blueberry muffin for Bobby before pointing at Chibs and grinning.

"I have something special for you in the back. They're still cooling. I won't be a moment."

She was true to her word and only took a moment before walking back out with a square of waxed paper in her hand. She handed it to Chibs and heard his sharp intake of breath. 

"Is that... oh darlin... " He took a bite of the Scottish shortbread and moaned, almost making Rey do so as well. "Lass, I haven't tasted anything that good since me mum made these when we were wee lads."

Rey grinned and nodded. "Well, now you know where you can find more."

Chibs grinned and nodded. "Aye, lass. You won't get rid of us now."

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