Chapter Four

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As Rey got dressed later that evening, she couldn't help but think back on the events of the morning. After she had made plans with Lyla and Tara, she had walked over to tell Bobby and Happy goodbye. Happy had thrown an arm around her shoulders as Bobby leaned in to give her a smacking kiss on the cheek. He then motioned at Chibs with his chin. 

"That one over there might want a goodbye from his darlin Aubrey."

Rey rolled her eyes but grinned good-naturedly as the two men teased her about Chibs. They both knew how she felt about him and didn't mind aggravating her about it. Bobby gently pushed her in Chibs' direction and soon she found herself standing in front of the biker as he sat astride his Harley. She bit her lip and ran a hand over the handlebars before glancing at him with a grin on her face.

"You have a gorgeous bike, Chibs."

Chibs smirked at her and nodded. "Thank ye, Aubrey. Have ye ever ridden before?"

She shook her head. "No, I've never had the chance."

Chibs snorted and shook his head as he winked at her. "Aye, but ye can't be around bikers and not ride, darlin. When we get back, I'll take ye for a ride." He reached out for her hand and guided her around to his side. He winked at her as he slowly grinned, causing Rey to be distracted by the small laugh lines around his eyes. "I think you'll look lovely riding bitch behind me, yeah?"

Rey lifted a brow and chuckled. "Is that what it's called? Not very nice."

Chibs laughed and stroked his goatee before tilting his head to look at her again. "Maybe not, but ye know, once you ride behind a man, that means you belong to him. Somethin to think about, lovey."

Rey grinned and nodded. "Lots of nuances in the club life, isn't there?"

"Aye, that there is."

Rey stepped closer to speak softly in his ear. "So, if a woman rides on your bike, she's yours, but does that apply for the man as well? Does he belong to her?"

Before he had a chance to answer her, Tig was pulling Rey into his arms for a hug. "Now, don't be whispering sweet nothings into Chib's ear. You'll get him all excited then we have to deal with him."

Rey snickered as she heard Chibs mutter something under his breath. Soon, she was once again standing with the other women as the guys roared out of the parking lot.

Now, as she turned from her closet to change for the evening, she thought about what he had said. She knew Chibs had been joking, but she also knew that the thing about riding on a man's bike was somewhat true. It wasn't like what he said was a declaration in any way, so for now, she'd let it go and enjoy her time without the boys being around.


The next morning, Rey was feeling the brunt of a brutal hangover as she sat in her office trying to sort through her invoices. She was rubbing her head and trying to remember where she had put her bottle of aspirin when Trudy stuck her head in the door and grinned at her boss.

"You have a visitor. Should I send them on back?"

Rey shrugged as she rifled through her desk drawers. "Yeah, that's fine. Have you seen the aspirin?"

Trudy snickered and nodded before disappearing for a second. When she came back, she held the bottle up along with a bottle of water. "They were in the restroom."

Rey nodded her thanks as Trudy took off yet again, this time returning with Gemma Teller-Morrow in tow. As Gemma sat in the chair opposite Rey's desk, she eyed the younger woman with a grin.

"I hear that you had an eventful night last night."

Rey shrugged and grinned. "I might have."

Gemma sighed and shook her head. "What you have is a cluster fuck in the making. You do know that Chibs is interested in you, right?"

Rey sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "I know he likes me, sure, but I don't think it's more than how Bobby and Happy feel."

Gemma snorted. "Yeah, right. Well, I suppose we'll find out when he gets wind of you going out with David Hale." She lifted a brow at Rey. "Or is that why you're going out with our Deputy Chief? To make Chibs jealous?"

Rey stared at Gemma like she was crazy. "What? No! Of course not! Good grief, he asked me out, he seemed nice, I accepted, simple as that."

Gemma shook her head again as she stood up. "Come have dinner with me tonight. Tara is busy with Abel and I get lonely when the boys are gone. We can talk more then."

Rey nodded and grinned. "I can do that. Want me to bring anything?"

Gemma nodded as she put her sunglasses on the top of her head. "Yeah, bring some wine. I'll take care of the food."

Rey nodded and was once again left with her paperwork and hangover.


Gemma waited until she got outside on the sidewalk to call Clay, waiting impatiently for him to answer while she lit a cigarette.

"Hey, beautiful. Miss me?"

Gemma grinned. "Yeah, I do, but I was actually calling for Chibs. Is he close by?"

She heard Clay mumbling to someone on his side before he spoke again. "Yeah, Jax went to get him. What's up?"

Gemma sighed. "Not much, I just think he needs to know about something that happened last night. Hale is making moves on our favorite baker."

"Shit! That would really suck since Chibs likes her and we all like her too. That puts her a few steps ahead of Fiona in my book. Ok, here he is."

Gemma soon heard the melodic sounds of a Scottish accent. "Aye, Gem, what's up?"

"I'll make this short and sweet. Hale asked Rey out on a date and she accepted."

She heard him say something in Gaelic and assumed it was a curse. "When is this date happening?"


She heard him chuckle and grinned herself. "Aye, well, we'll be back by Thursday. I'll take care of it then, lovey."

"Just see that you do. We all like her and want her to stick around for a while, preferably as someone's old lady."

She heard him laugh. "You are somethin, Gem. Let me see what I can do."

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