Chapter Nine

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The next afternoon, Trudy came walking into Rey's office just as she was finishing up her paperwork for the day. She looked up smiling until she saw the look on Trudy's face.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Trudy shook her head. "No ghost, but about a dozen Harleys just roared past the front of the shop. They're back, Rey."

Rey blew out a breath then nodded. "Well, then I best not be here when they come, huh? I need to do some unpacking anyway, so looks like it's an early day for me. You good here by yourself?"

Trudy nodded. "Yeah. If they come in, I won't tell them anything."

Rey grinned and nodded as she stood up to leave. "Ok, but I don't want you to do something that will hurt your chances with Happy." She laughed as the other woman blushed and ducked her head. "Yeah, don't think I haven't noticed how chummy you too have been lately."

Trudy just shrugged and snickered. "Hey, I feel no shame in the fact that I want to climb him like a tree. The man is hot and I'd love to spend an evening tracing all of his tattoos. With my tongue."

Rey laughed and shook her head. "That was information that I didn't need to have." She patted Trudy on the arm as she walked past her. "I'll see you in the morning. Have a good night, ok?"

She walked out the back door and moved quickly to her car, feeling sure that at any moment, a bike would be blocking her escape. She was on edge until she pulled into the driveway of her new house and turned the car off. She breathed a sigh of relief once she was inside with the world shut out. She told herself that she wasn't hiding from anyone, she just wanted more time before the inevitable confrontation. 


Chibs climbed off of his bike at the clubhouse, wanting to get back on and head over to the bakery, but he knew they had business to attend to first. His talk with Aubrey was going to have to wait a little while longer. After church, he walked out to see Gemma standing by the bar with a frown on her face. he strode over to her with Happy and Bobby right behind him.

"Hey, Gem. Did ye handle the lawyer for me?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he's drawing up the papers. I went by Rey's last night to try to talk to her again. Thought maybe if I could catch her at home, I'd have a better chance. She wasn't there and the apartment manager said that she had moved out, and he didn't know where she moved to."

Chibs shook his head as he heard Happy curse behind him. "Ok. Get Juicy on tracking her down. I'm gonna go by the shop, see if she's there. If not, Trudy will tell us where she is, hopefully." He turned to Happy. "Ye with me?" 

At Happy's nod, he nodded as well and they walked outside. On the ride back into town, he thought about what he was going to say to her. He knew that whatever it was, it would have to be honest, and knowing his girl, she'd want to know everything. He found himself at peace with that, which surprised him. He'd never told any woman he was with the actual truth about everything, not even Fiona.

His thoughts were brought up short when they pulled up in front of the bakery and went in, finding Trudy at the counter. She smiled prettily at Happy before turning a glare in his direction. Chibs sighed, thinking that apparently, this wasn't going to be as easy as he had first thought.

"Is Rey here?"

Trudy shook her head. "No, she's already gone for the day."

Happy leaned in a little closer to her. "We know she doesn't live in the apartments anymore. What's her address? Chibs needs to talk to her."

Trudy shook her head. "I can't tell you that."

Chibs sighed again as he ran a hand through his hair. "Lass, I just want to talk to her. Clear some things up."

Trudy shrugged. "I know you do, and I would love to help, but Rey's my best friend. I'm not gonna rat her out, not for any of you."

Happy growled under his breath and instead of scaring her, Trudy smirked and met his stare head on, impressing Chibs just a bit. "It's a small town, girl. You think we can't find her?"

Again, Trudy just shrugged. "Best get to looking then."

Happy slapped his hand down on the counter hard as Chibs shook his head. He started out the door when he heard Happy speak again. He turned around in time to see Happy grab Trudy's hand and squeeze it.

"Dinner at the diner tonight?"

Chibs almost laughed out loud when Trudy grinned shyly and nodded. "Pick me up after work."

Chibs was still grinning when they walked out to their bikes and got on. Happy shot him a look. "What?"

Chibs just shrugged as he put his helmet on. "At least one of us gets his girl."

Happy shook his head. "Nah, man, you'll get yours. Just have to find her first."

Right then, Chib's phone went off. He looked to see a text from Juice with an address.

He grinned and held up the phone. "Found her. I'll meet ye back at the club, yeah?"

Happy grinned and nodded. "Probably best with no witnesses."

Chibs laughed as they went their separate ways. Soon, he found himself on the same street as Gemma and Clay, pulling into a driveway five houses down from theirs. It made him feel a lot better knowing that she would be close if something happened. He dismounted and walked up to the door, trying the handle just in case. He growled under his breath as the door opened easily. 

He walked into the quiet house, seeing no sign of Rey. He checked each room silently until he looked into what he assumed was the master bedroom. There she was, her back to the door hanging up clothes in the closet. He leaned against the doorframe, just taking a moment to drink in the sight of her before he spoke quietly.

"Darlin, ye really need to learn to lock the door. No tellin who'll just walk right in."

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