Chapter Seven

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Rey looked around the parking lot of Charming High School and grinned at all of the activity. She saw David manning a grill for the police department and waved at him as she saw Gemma across the aisle, giving orders to a blonde woman. She chuckled in delight as she saw Bobby, Chibs, and Jax run in, Bobby dressed as Elvis to man the booth beside Gemma's. 

She saw Chibs look her way, saying something to the others before walking toward her with a grin on his face. When he reached her, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her temple, making her blush. "There's me darlin. How are ye, luv?"

Rey grinned up at him before something came over her. She reached up and caressed his face before pulling his face down to hers for a proper kiss. As Chibs' hold tightened around her and he deepened the kiss, Rey could hear catcalls and wolf whistles from the guys. As they came up for air, they heard an amused Gemma speaking from behind Chibs.

"Ok, enough of that. We all have work to do. Rey, come on and I'll show you where to set up."

Chibs winked and grinned as he slowly let her go. "I'll be expectin more of that later, yeah?"

Rey chuckled as Gemma took her arm and pulled her away. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance, don'tcha?" She pointed to a table next to the police booth. "I put you next to Unser, thought you'd be pretty safe there since the boys and I will be too busy to check on you properly."

Rey shook her head and chuckled as she turned to head back to her car for her product. She had decided to keep it simple and offer a small variety of pies, to be bought either whole or by the piece. "The fact that you all think that I need protection amazes me. Do you know that I actually went my whole life without the club to protect me from invisible foes?"

Gemma followed her to her car, shaking her head. "Boy, you're a real smartass today, aren't ya? The club is a family, and you've been made part of that family. We protect what's ours, that's all."

Rey sighed and nodded resignedly. She knew that there wasn't a lot she could say about the whole "protection" thing without hurting someone's feelings, so she just let it go. Soon, with Gemma's help, Rey was set up at her booth and selling dessert to go with the police's burgers or Gemma's chili. About an hour into the festival, she saw activity near Bobby's booth, the boys packing up and heading out. Chibs walked over to her and drew her into his arms for another hug and kiss as Rey noticed David watching them.

"I have to make a run to Bakersfield. I'll probably be gone for a few days. Ye gonna stay out of trouble while I'm gone?"

Rey grinned and shrugged. "Yeah, as much as I'm capable of anyway. You mean you aren't leaving me with a bodyguard?"

Chibs shook his head but looked at her seriously. "Nah, but I want to. Unfortunately, we need everyone on this run, or I would. I feel like something's gonna happen while I'm away." He blew out a frustrated breath before pulling her tighter against him. "Listen to me, now. Ye have any problems, ye go see Gemma." He shook his head again as he frowned down at her. "Maybe ye should just stay with Gemma from the get-go, yeah? I'd feel better about leavin."

Rey grinned up at him and shook her head as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him again. "I'll be fine, I swear. I don't need to stay with Gemma. Go on your run. I'll be around when you get back."

Chibs just nodded and stole one more kiss. "Maybe when I get back, we can have a chat about this between us, yeah?"

Rey smiled and nodded. "That sounds like a plan. Now, go before I tie you up and keep you here."

Chibs playfully growls and makes a grab for her hips but she dodges his play. "Don't make promises ye can't keep, lass."

He turned to go and she watched as Chibs and David eyed each other before going back to what they were doing. Soon, all of the Sons were gone and the crowds were starting to thin out. As she was starting to pack up, she heard David speak from her side. 

"How about a movie and dinner?" Rey turned and looked at him with one brow lifted and he chuckled, holding up his hands in surrender. "I know, I know. Just as friends. Surely he can't have a problem with you having friends?"

Rey shook her head. "And surely you can see how that would look. David, I like you. You are a good friend and I'm glad I have you, but Chibs and I... it's new and I don't want to do anything to ruin it before it gets started."

David stared down at his shoes for a moment before nodding and looking back at her. "Well, I must say you're handling it better than I thought you would."

Rey cocked her head and looked at him in confusion. "Handling what?"

David gave a small grin. "Chibs being married with a kid. I mean, not all women would accept coming into a relationship as the other woman."

Rey stared at him like he was crazy for a moment before responding. Clearly, she hadn't heard him right. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

David winced as if she hit him. "I'm so sorry. I thought you knew. I mean, I honestly thought he would tell you before you two got too deep into whatever this is between you. I'm sorry, Rey."

Rey found that she couldn't process what David was saying. It couldn't be true, could it? Chibs wouldn't hide something like that, would he? She shook her head as she finally came back to the present. "I need to go. I just need to... "

Without another word, she grabbed the last box and headed for her car, wanting to escape before Gemma managed to catch up with her. The last thing she wanted was to have to deal with a member of SAMCRO until she could figure out what was what.

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