Chapter Five

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Chibs could hear cursing coming from the back room as he walked toward the counter of the bakery. He chuckled to himself as Trudy smiled and shook her head. Chibs took his sunglasses off and winked as he leaned against the counter.

"Sounds like the boss lady is a bit wound up this morning. What's got her so riled?"

Trudy snickered and nodded in agreement. "The sink is leaking and she's trying to fix it. If it's a war between the two, I think the sink is winning."

Chibs shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Aye, I bet it is at that. Does the lass even know how to fix a leak?"

Trudy shook her head and winced as something banged off of the wall behind her. "No, she doesn't, but she's stubborn."

Chibs smirked and nodded as he started around the end of the counter, ready to face Rey's ire. "Aye, that she is. I'll just go see if I can help her, yeah?"

Trudy chuckled and nodded as he stepped through the swinging door, seeing a pipe wrench laying on the ground beside the door. He shook his head, determining that was the loud bang they had heard moments before. He stopped short when he saw a pair of very shapely legs in cut off shorts and sneakers sticking out from under the sink basin. He almost laughed out loud when he heard a feminine growl come from under the sink followed by a clanking noise.

"Trudy, is that you? Can you hand me that wrench? This fucking sink is going to drive me crazy."

Chibs shook his head and reached down for the pipe wrench before walking over and stooping down to look under the sink. He tried to ignore the fact that Rey's t-shirt was soaked and clinging to her chest like a second skin. "Do ye even know what yer doin there, darlin?"

Rey stared in shock for a moment before blowing a loose strand of hair out of her eyes and shrugging. "Not really, but it didn't seem that hard in theory. Now, I'm frustrated." She grinned then. "When did you get back?"

Chibs crawled under the sink to lay on the floor beside Rey, looking up at the pipe to survey the damage. He answered her as he reached up to run a finger around the joint holding the two pipes together. "About an hour ago. I thought I'd come see how my girl was doin. I didn'a expect to find you cursing the heavens under a sink."

He saw Rey blush out of the corner of his eye and hid a smirk as she tried to scoot over to give him more room. "Well, you never know with me."

Chibs grinned and nodded before returning his attention to the pipe. "Aye, I can see that. Looks like this is just loose. If ye'll hold the pipe steady, I'll tighten it back up."

She nodded as she maneuvered closer to hold the pipe while he used the wrench. He bit his lip and tried to pretend that she wasn't within kissing distance as he worked on the loose pipe. He'd be damned if he was going to act like a randy teenager in front of the lass, not when he wanted to make her his. He'd do things his way, nice and slow.


David smiled politely at the girl behind the counter as he stepped into Candy Roses. He knew he had a date with Aubrey the next night but he was passing by and thought he'd stop in and see how she was doing.

"Is Aubrey here?"

The girl smiled and nodded, pointing to the door leading to the back. "Yeah, go right back."

She smirked, which confused David, but he smiled back and walked through the door. The first thing he saw as he entered the kitchen was two sets of legs entwined together under the sink and he frowned as he realized one pair had on motorcycle boots and dusty jeans. He cleared his throat and waited. "Aubrey?"

The giggling stopped and soon he heard her clear her throat and answer. "David? What are you doing here? Hold on a minute, let me get out from under here."

He couldn't help but grin at the sight of the slight woman wiggling out from under the sink, her denim-clad behind looking lovely before he saw the rest of her pop up from the sink. His laughing stopped as he saw the man crawl out from behind her. Chibs Telford. He had a sinking suspicion that he wasn't the only one interested in the beautiful baker as he watched the other man watching her as she bent back down to retrieve the pipe wrench.

When she stood back up straight, he couldn't take his eyes off of her chest. Her t-shirt was soaked through and he swallowed hard as he saw just how well endowed she was. He heard a soft growl come from Chibs as he touched her arm.

"Ye need to go change yer shirt, luv. I'll keep young Hale company while ye do."

David watched as Aubrey looked down at her shirt then blushed slightly, nodding as she quickly made her way to her office. "I won't be a minute, guys."

Chibs smiled and nodded before turning to David with a black look in his eyes, causing him to swallow hard again for an entirely different reason. He'd heard about Chibs, knew what kind of man he was. He may not be the enforcer of the Sons, but he was nobody to be trifled with.

"Ye know, it's not polite to ogle a lady in front of other people, especially if the lady in question isn'na yers."

David squared his shoulders and made eye contact with the older biker. "Well, I have a date with her tomorrow night, so I guess I'm closer to her than you think."

Chibs grinned and clapped a hand on the deputy's shoulder. "Aye, I heard about that. Ye should enjoy it, cause I dunna think there will be another."

Before David could reply, Aubrey was coming out of her office, having changed into a shirt that he assumed she kept there just in case. He watched as Chibs walked over and drew her into his arms for a hug.

"I need to go darlin. I'll see ye soon, yeah?"

Aubrey reached up and kissed the biker on the cheek as Chibs made eye contact once more with David. He sighed internally as he realized that he had just been challenged, and he wasn't entirely sure that he could win this fight.

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