Chapter Two

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One Month Later

"So do you live somewhere? I never see you unless you're here."

Rey smiled at Bobby as he stirred the batter for his secret recipe banana muffins. She was sitting on the metal bakery table opposite where he was working, sipping a cup of coffee and checking her emails.

"Yes, I actually do have a place, an apartment on the east side of town." At Bobby's look, she shrugged self-consciously. "It's what I could afford when I moved here, and I just haven't gotten around to finding something else yet. Honestly, I'm hardly ever there." She grinned cheekily. "Besides, Happy knows where I live and it doesn't bother him."

Bobby shook his head and she knew that he wasn't going to let this conversation go like so many others. She knew the neighborhood she lived in wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't the worst either. She could deal with it a little while longer until she had time to find something else.

"Well, it doesn't matter because I'm going to have Gemma look for something better for you while we're on our run."

Rey sighed and shook her head but let it go. She figured out pretty quickly if these men saw you as a friend or family, they would bulldoze right over you, especially if you were female. SAMCRO had yet to hear of the women's movement. She decided to change the subject in the hopes that he would forget what they were discussing.

"Is everyone going on the run?"

She was looking down at her phone and didn't see the knowing smirk on Bobby's face as he nodded. "Uhh, yeah pretty much. I mean, we're leaving a couple prospects at home and I don't think Piney is going, but yeah everyone else is."

Rey just nodded before looking up at the man putting muffin tins into the oven. "Well, I suppose I could bring you and Happy something from here in the morning before you head out."

Bobby grinned and nodded as he strapped on his gun holster and carried his dirty dishes over to the sink. "Well, me and Happy would appreciate that. Anyone else you can think of too." He hooked a finger toward the oven. "Twenty minutes then take them out. They're for you to eat, not sell. You're too skinny."

Rey blushed as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning."

She just nodded and grinned as he made his way out the back door. As she locked up behind him, she thought about how close she had come to him and Happy since that first day they had come into her shop. She and Bobby were close like a little sister and big brother, but she and Happy were like twins. They had a lot in common. Too much to be interested in each other romantically, but they were rarely without the other unless they were working.

She let her mind turn to the one man she didn't feel a familial bond with and grinned to herself. Chibs Telford had taken up permanent residence in her heart, as much as that made her sound like a schoolgirl. It was true though. Unfortunately, she knew that he would never see her that way, so she did her best to hide how she felt, at least until Bobby and Happy started teasing her about him.

Rey sighed as she jumped down from her perch on the counter to go clean Bobby's dishes. It was just about time to call it a day and head home.


Bobby was in a foul mood by the time he stomped through the clubhouse doors. Jax was the first one to see him as Happy and Chibs played a game of pool while Jax and Opie seemed to have a card game going. Jax grinned and nodded in Bobby's direction as the older man bypassed their table headed for the pool players.

"Hey man, bring anything good back from Rey's?"

Bobby wheeled around and pointed a finger in Jax's face, startling the younger man. "It's not her job to keep you or anyone else fed! Maybe if you spent a little more time finding out about her and less looking for handouts, you'd know that she needs help every once in a while!"

Happy chuckled from where he was leaning against the pool table, he and Chibs watching the show. "Damn, Bobby. What crawled up your ass and died?"

Bobby turned his anger to the one he was mad at in the first place. "You did, actually. When were you going to tell us that Rey's living on the East side in a shitty little apartment?"

Happy shrugged, looking unconcerned. "I didn't think it was club business, although I was going to have Juice install a security system for her when we got back from the run."

Chibs muttered under his breath as he threw his cue stick on the table. "And just how long have ye known where the lass lives?"

"A couple of weeks. I helped her move an old couch."

Chibs threw up his hands in frustration as he glared at the younger man. "This just gets better! Why didn't ye call one of us to come help heft it?"

Happy shrugged. "I didn't think it mattered. She was there, and it wasn't that heavy."

"It matters because the bonnie lass doesn'a need to be movin furniture after workin her arse off at the shop all day! Jaysus Christ!" He turned to Bobby, the only one in his opinion that understood how he felt about this subject. "Did you talk to the lass about eating more?"

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, I made her some banana muffins. They're her favorite so hopefully, she eats them. I think she's just working too hard. Nothing to worry about."

Chibs shook his head as he lit a cigarette, unaware of the smirks being thrown his way over his mini-meltdown. "Aye, but I'll be the one deciding if it needs worryin about, yeah?"

Bobby snickered and held up both hands in surrender as Chibs picked his pool cue back up and lined up a shot. "I got it. As for the apartment, I'm going to have Gemma start looking for a place for her on this side of town while we're gone."

Chibs slapped Happy on the arm and pointed at Bobby with a smirk. "See? That's how ye get things done." He nodded to Bobby as Happy lined up his shot. "Good man."

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