Chapter Eight

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Rey punched the bread dough laying on the table in front of her and sighed. It had been a week since David had dropped his little bomb and she hadn't talked to anyone. She only knew that the boys were still in Bakersfield because she hadn't seen any motorcycles in town lately. She refused all phone calls and text messages from Chibs, Bobby, and Happy, didn't answer her door at home, and refused visits from Gemma there at the shop.

She sighed as she heard a commotion in the main room and figured her luck had finally run out. It seemed that Gemma was not walking away today without a fight. She continued to punch the bread dough as the yelling stopped and the door swung open to reveal Gemma and Tara walking in. They stood in front of the table where she sat, and Rey almost laughed at the identical frowns that were on their faces. Gemma finally broke the silence as she leaned on the table.

"You wanna tell me what the hell this is all about? I haven't heard from you in days, Chibs is freaking the fuck out and Bobby and Happy are pissed. You wanna explain yourself?"

Rey rolled her eyes and watched Gemma's narrow in anger. "It should be pretty obvious that I didn't want to speak to anyone."

Gemma crossed her arms in front of her and scowled. "Yeah, sweetheart, we got that part. The part that's missing is the why."

Rey sighed as she shaped her bread into loaves and put it in a pan. "I don't like being lied to."

Gemma shook her head. "Baby, nobody lied to you."

Rey smirked as she put the bread in the oven and set the timer. "Yeah, actually, you did. Every time nobody mentioned Chib's wife and kid, they lied to me."

Gemma and Tara looked at each other before Gemma turned back to Rey. "How did you find out?"

Rey chuckled as she shook her head. "Amazing. You don't bother to deny it, but want to know who ratted."

Gemma shook her head and sighed. "Yeah, Chibs is definitely going to want to know how you found out."

"I really don't give a fuck what Chibs is going to want to know. Look, you got your answer. You now know why I want nothing more to do with the club. Can you just please leave? Don't make me call David."

Gemma looked at Tara, then back to Rey with a smirk on her face. "Sweetheart, I'm not scared of that little shithead, no matter how much of a hero you think he is, and if you think that ignoring a few calls and texts is going to get you clear of this club, you have another think coming. You obviously haven't seen a Son when he wants something." She sighed and reached out to squeeze Rey's hand. "Just don't do anything stupid. Let Chibs explain, ok?"

Rey shook her head and looked at the two women. "Are we done here? I have orders to fill."

Gemma sighed as she nodded to Tara. "Yeah, we're done. For now."

Rey watched as the two women walked out of her kitchen, waiting until they were gone to let her head drop into her hands.


Once Gemma and Tara were in the car, Gemma sent a quick text to Chibs, telling him that she had talked to Rey and they would discuss the situation when the boys got back. She rolled her eyes at Tara as her phone rang seconds later. She should have known that wouldn't be enough of an explanation for the angry Scot. She hit a button on her dash for her phone and Chibs' voice filled the car.

"What bloody situation? Why hasn't she been answering her phone?"

Gemma shook her head. "She found out about Fiona and Kerrianne. I told you to tell her up front, but I'm guessing you didn't?"

Chibs cursed on the other end of the call. "Fuck! No, I thought I had time to tell her. Who told?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was your buddy, Hale. Still trying to get into Rey's pants, it would seem."

"I'll fuckin beat him bloody if he lays a finger on her!" She heard him speaking to someone on his end before he continued. "Do me a favor, luv. Call Rosen and have him start divorce papers."

Gemma looked at Tara in shock. "This is a first."

She heard Chibs chuckle. "Aye, it is, but so is Aubrey. I can't let her go, Gem."

Gemma grinned as Tara chuckled. "I guess you found your Old Lady, old man. About damn time too."

Chibs laughed again. "Well, hopefully, I can keep her from killing me long enough to claim her as mine, but aye. Clay says to tell you that we'll be back tomorrow. I got to go, but do that favor for me, if you will."

They said goodbye and hung up as Gemma turned toward Teller-Morrow. If they were back tomorrow, she had a party to plan and a lawyer to call.


Chibs hung up and walked back over to where Happy, Bobby and Jax were sitting. He sat down and lit a cigarette as Happy looked at him expectantly.


Chibs shook his head. "Hale is gonna end up on the wrong end of my knife before it's over. He told Rey about Fi and Kerri."

Happy and Bobby cursed under their breath as Jax shook his head. "Jesus Christ, man. You need to lock that shit down before he gets to her."

Chibs nodded. "Aye, Jackie boy, that's exactly what I'm doin. Got Gemma starting the divorce papers."

Bobby and the others looked shocked. "That serious?"

Chibs grinned. "Aye, that serious. I want Rey." He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "I can't let her walk away from me. I got to do whatever it takes to keep her."

Happy gave him a dirty look at that. "You can't force her to stay. That ain't cool and I won't let you, brother. She's my best friend."

Chibs slapped Happy on the back. "Nah, Hap, I would'na force her. I'll just have to use my Scottish charm, yeah?"

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