|Shot 109| • Sleep It Off • |Jyatt|

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Long time no see, huh guys? I'm sorry I've been absent from this book and my Reddie oneshots for awhile, I haven't had much ideas nor time for them. But I'm happy to post this one! The plot is kind of cliche, but, I really wanted to post something, especially with this song. I love you guys

Enjoy! ~Jae👑


"Wyatt!" I called. "Please, I'm sorry!"

"Stop!" Wyatt cried. "Just...don't"

"Please, Wy. Please, just let me explain"

"Explain what? The truth is out! I would've understood if you had just told me before, but to find this out now? And from someone else?"

I couldn't say anything in that moment. He was right. I stood, staring sheepishly at his perfect caramel eyes dripping with hurt, disappointment and tears. I hurt him. I hurt my Wy.

He scoffed and turned away, tears streaming down his cheeks, but I followed him. I had to make things right.

"Wyatt, baby, stop, please" I pleaded, and he stopped abruptly, his head hung before he turned to face me.

I stepped closer.

"Wy, please" I cooed. "I love you, I love you so much. But I had to do this, to protect us. I don't love Lilia. I don't love her. I only love you, Wyatt. Please, don't doubt that. I love you so much, I promise. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Lilia and I 'dating', but it's just so that people don't think that you and I are dating. I don't want the whole world to know about our love, it's none of their business"

"Then why couldn't you just tell me that?" he pleaded, tears streaming down his perfect dimpled cheeks. "If you love me, why not just be honest with me? And I thought you said before that you wanted the whole world to know, that you didn't care what anyone else thought! What changed, Jae? Did you even think about how I'd feel about this?"

I stood there silently, guilt clouding my eyes and filling my heart. I didn't know what to say. I hurt him, and he had every right to be angry. He was right, I should have told him.

"I mean," he sobbed, exhausted, "if you had come to me first and planned this with me and explained your reason, I would be understood, but this?"

He paused a moment.

"It feels like cheating, Jaeden. I don't even know if I trust you anymore...I don't think you even trust me, or love me"

I still said nothing. It hurt. It hurt, not just because I hurt him, but his words hit me hard. I love and care about Wyatt more than anything in the world, more than anyone.

But before I could tell him that, he turned away. I followed him but he ran to his room and slammed the door closed.

I could hear him sobbing as he slumped to the floor.

"So fucking stupid" I sobbed as I cursed at myself.

I slid to the floor and sat against Wyatt's door. I could still hear him crying behind me. I smacked my forehead hard and slammed my fists into my knees.

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