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Hey guys, when the type is in italicsthat means Kylie is using sign language. So other than that, please tell me if you want me to continue, it would mean a lot. And vote as well. I love you <3

I graduated high school a year early and went to college to become a photographer/film maker, where I met 3 of my best friends. Val, Moose and Kyle. They haven't heard my voice ever but still manage to be my friend even though I don't talk. Val is quite tall, she's 5'11 so still taller then me, since I only grew a couple inches and am now 5'6 or 5'7. Val has bright red hair with a hint of orange when she goes out into the sun, she has freckles and is some what pale but still has a little bit of a tan. Her golden brown eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world and she is one of the most beautiful girls without makeup. Moose is the best. His real name is Isadore but he hates it so he started calling himself Moose and it just caught on. He is 6'2, his hair is dark brown and curly, and his eyes are dark brown. Moose has 2 different types of parents, his mom is white, and his dad is Asian, so he's a mix of the 2. Now, Kyle is a little bit weird then the rest of us, He has rainbow hair that is always styled in a Mohawk, his skin is mighty pale and he burns as soon as he gets attention from the sun, his eyes are an amazing colour of green but he wears contacts to make them red. Kyle is around 6'0 and when he walks he limps because of how many times he's hurt his foot, so now he has a permanent limp. All 3 of them have many tattoos even though Moose's parents don't like tattoos or piercings. After 6 years I've change so much. I used to have short black hair, now it's down to my waist in length and is gold in colour. Most people tease me for it but it actually looks pretty cool. My dark green eyes got brighter and turned into a seaweed colour. I got paler, and skinnier, but I stayed the same height. I've gotten tattoos and I now have a tongue and lip piercing. If anybody from high school saw me today they most likely wouldn't recognize me. After we graduated college we bought a house in LA despite my protests in sign language.

"DEVIL!!!!!" I heard my name being called. My name is actually Kylie but they call me Devil since I still wear the jacket Andy got me that says I Am The Devil on the back. I got off my bed fixing my bed head ad walking upstairs.


"We're going to a concert next month." I rolled my eyes and got myself a cup of coffee. Coffee was the only thing that keeps me sane. I don't drink monsters or rockstars, I can't stand them so I drink coffee 24/7. I fixed my coffee the way I wanted and turned back to Val, putting my mug down.

Youwoken me uptotellmethat?

She shrugged and I looked back at Moose and Kyle, seeing them glare at Val made me think that she did the same to them. I smiled slightly and grabbed my mug, sitting down beside Kyle. He smiled at me and grabbed hid own mug of coffee, taking a sip. I held my mug to my lips and took a sip of the scorching hot liquid.

"What band do we have to suffer through anyway?" Moose asked, glaring at Val. We all had different music tastes, ours was more along the lines of A7X, Val's was more White Veiled something.

"You'll know when we get there." Val said. "Now...can we go shopping?"


Moose, Kyle and I went straight to hot topic, looking at the older shirts that we didn't have yet. The 3 of us share clothes all the time so we got our shirts in a size that would fit all 3 of us. Val walked in and rolled her eyes at our shirt choices. I found some more lip rings that I would want and also some tongue ones as well. We payed and left, going to the food court.

"How many days until we have to suffer?" Kyle asked, making Val glare.

"It's in exactly a month." She said before we split up to get our separate food choices. Me and Moose are more alike then Kyle and Val so we go to the same places which helps me a lot when it comes to ordering. We sat down with our food and waited for Val and Kyle. I sat down with my veggie burger and salad and started eating my salad first. Val and Kyle each sat down, starting to talk with their mouths full, making me cringe and look down at my plate. We finished eating, me not looking up while they talked.

"Come on Devil, lets go home." I nodded, standing up and throwing out what I didn't eat. Everybody looked at us like usual when we came here, they looked at us with that expression. You know the expression your parents give you when they're disappointed in you, those were the looks we were getting, the ones we always get. I sighed and rolled my eyes, as we walked out of the doors, going towards our bikes. Not actually bikes, but motorcycles. I grab my helmet that's a full face dirt bike helmet complete with a silver and gold design on the sides. I put it on and buckle the strap under my chin and put the visor up for now. I grabbed my keys and swing my leg over the bike, putting up the kickstand and starting the engine. I back out of the parking spot and put my feet on the ground, waiting for the other 3. I put my visor down when they got out of the parking spots and we started moving. I pulled in front of Kyle, and onto the road, where we passed cars and got home in less than 15 minutes.

Can I go back to sleep?

Moose nodded and I took that as an answer before Val could argue. I ran away after parking my bike and grabbing my helmet, running into the house, and down the stairs towards my room. I collapsed on my bed, closing my eyes and falling into a sleep where only Andy was.

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