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This is the first chapter and I really think I'll like writing this, so please, tell me if you like it and all. Sorry this first chapter is really short and all but ya, I hope you like this and keep reading. I love you <3

6 years ago

"You'll be fine without me." My best friend in the whole entire world tried to tell me. "I'll be back soon." I tried to believe him but I just couldn't, how could I survive without my best friend to back me up when I got to embarrassed to speak. "Look Devil, you'll be fine without me, believe me." I still didn't say anything. He was leaving me, what was I supposed to say? "Please say something before I leave thinking that you hate me."

"I don't hate you." I sighed quietly. "I just don't want you to leave." He sighed an wrapped his arms around me.

"I will be back, I promise." I just nodded and wrapped my arms around his skinny waist. Andy is much taller than me, he's 6'0 and I'm 5'5, pretty short for a 16 year old. Andy let go and I let go to, sighing and stepping away, watching him load his last box in his car. He was 18 now, and since he graduated, he was moving to LA to start a band with some friends that I had no idea about. He looked back up and smiled sadly, his bright blue eyes filling with tears. I walked forwards and brushed his black bangs out of his face. He smiled again and brushed his fingers over my cheek, making me blush. "Stay beautiful Kylie Sanchez and don't stop singing." He whispered and kissed my forehead in brotherish way, leaving me breathless as I watched him climb into his shitty car and drive away from me. I broke down crying in his driveway, crying for close to an hour, looking in the spot where he drove away.

I managed to lift myself off the ground and grabbed my bag from the ground. I ran all the way home, which was 15 minutes away. When I got home my dad looked up from getting another drink from the mini fridge beside the couch and glared at me.

"What have I told you about crying you useless bitch!!!!!!" I felt more tears prick my eyes but I wiped the away before he could see. "Cook me food you bitch." I nodded and walked into the kitchen, getting the ingredients for spaghetti since it was easy and was his favourite food. Andy never knew about my life at home, and he never will. I put the spaghetti on a plate and layered the sauce on top. I took it out to him and gave it to him, not saying anything. He put the plate on the table and stood up, coming over to me, and raising his hand to hit me. I held my cheek, not letting any tears fall, and watching as he sat back down, waiting for him to dismiss me. "Get away from me." I nodded and turned to go up the stairs, walking slowly at first and when I got out of view I ran to my room, ignoring my mothers door and locking my door behind me. I laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling and sighed.

Andy said don't stop singing but I had no influence without him, and now that he was gone, I had no reason to live. Maybe I should just stop talking, I hated te sound of my voice anyway, so that's how I made my promise to myself that I would just stop talking, until I found a reason to.

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