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Long wait for an update, well, you get a short ass chapter. I honestly couldn't think of anything for this chapter but please keep reading because I promise it will get better. Anywhore. Comment, tell me what you think, I love hearing your answers, they make me want to write faster and become a better author. Also vote, those are also good too. I love you <3


We all sat in an awkward silence until Kyle broke it by coughing into his arm. 

"Oh Ky dear are you sick, should I make you some soup?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Umm, my name is Kyle, and it was just a cough..." Kyle corrected her. 

"Oh well, tell me if you feel dizzy, I know some fantastic healing remedies." I rolled my eyes once again. "You know, Valerie, you would know these remedies to if you studied to be a doctor instead of an author." 

"I've told you mom." Val sighed. "I didn't want to be a doctor, that was your dream, not mine. I want to write books." 

"And that isn't getting you very far, you're still working at Starbucks!" I blew a breath out of my nose and glared at her mom. Why does she have to be so negative, why can't she just support her daughters decisions. 

Why am I feeling so strongly about Val's mom? Is it because I was never loved by my mother? 


Kylie(10 years old)

The expensive glass flower vase wobbled as I bumped into it as my mother pushed me back into the little stand it was sitting on. The vase shattered to the ground with a loud noise that startled me. My gaze fell on my mother who was fuming, her cold glare set on me. 

"Look what you did!" She screamed, scaring me even more. "That was the most expensive thing I owned and you broke it! You ungrateful bitch!" She got up close to my face, making me catch the smell of strong liquor and cigarette smoke. 

I never saw her hand until my head snapped to the side from the force of her slap. They just kept coming as the tears rolled down my face. 

"STOP CRYING!" She screamed louder then she ever did and kicked me into the glass, causing glass shards to burry deep into my skin, letting my blood pour out of my body in little trails as the glass was stopping the blood from coming out to heavy. 

I wiped my tears away and looked at my mother who was standing over me with hatred burning in her eyes. 

"Go to your room." She spat on me before stomping up the stairs, leaving me on the ground, bleeding and in pain. 

*Flashback over* 

Andy's mother was like a mother to me, she fed me when my parents lost the money we could of used to get food and things we needed to survive, she gave me fresh clothes when mine were ripped, or to small, she let me shower and use soap, she gave me a soft bed to sleep on.

Andy and I were like siblings. We basically lived together since I was there all the time when my parents kicked me out for the night. But as we got older and puberty struck. I thought of Andy in different ways. He was more than a brother to me. His deep voice. The way he towered over me. How he got protective over me like I actually was his little sister. 

I thought about the times in high school when he used to call me his little sister and give me a brotherly kiss on the forehead. My heart heart thinking of those moments. He never would have loved me back. That's why he left.

I mean who could love someone as fucked up as me? 

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