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Hello again, this is chapter 4 and I think I'm gonna delete this and start again unless you guys want me to continue with one, please tell me in the comments and vote too. I love you <3

Just like I thought, Val forgot the next day and was all happy and gushy about everything again. I had to go to work the next day, which means I had to get up at 8 to be there by 9 and help out to have the pool opened by 10. I was one of the main life guards, I get 2 hours in the morning, until 12, get an hour lunch break, then I get to swim with the kids a little bit, and by 2 I'm back in the chair waiting till 4 when the pool closes and I'm allowed to stay back since I lock up everyday and Kyle, Moose and Val come by for a swim until we leave for home.

I got up when my alarm rang for 8 and stretched, getting out my black simple bikini. I put on the white tank top that all life guard staff must wear and put on the red shorts that were sort of life short shorts but made out of swimming material. I slipped skinny jeans on over my shorts and packed my bag full of the stuff I needed. I did my makeup all waterproof and smeared some on my wrists and stomach. I grabbed my jacket and walked up the stairs, putting my bag down and making my coffee. I drank it, watching the other 3 emerge from their rooms and get their coffee.

"You guys are coming over for lunch right?" Val asked, fixing her hair into a braid. I nodded and finished my coffee, putting my cup in the sink for someone else to clean up.

"No shit." Kyle grunted, eating some chips out of a bag. He was a piercer at the local tattoo shop and Moose worked at the bookstore, where he could read all day and only have to stop to ring up the costumers. We all had different jobs but we loved them, except for Val...she hated her job.

"I'll come by the pool at 11:50." Moose told me as we walked out the door. We all had to leave by the same time to get things set up but we got off at different times so they met up with Moose and I at the pool. I grabbed my helmet and put it on, swinging my leg over my bike as I did up the straps under my chin. I put my key into the ignition, hearing my bike purr underneath me and smiled, backing out of the garage and waving as I rode to the local pool.


"I wanna go swimming." CC said, looking up from his phone. "We just got back from tour and haven't done anything, lets go swimming at the pool!" We all agreed and went to our separate rooms to get dressed. I got my plain black swim shorts on and put a white tank top on, grabbing a towel and phone then leaving my room. "LETS GOOOO!" CC screamed running to the car. It was around the time the pool would've been open and I think we were planning on spending the whole day there until it closed. We got there when people were just starting to come in and I shrugged getting out. We walked through the gates and looked around. In all my years of being here, I've never once been to this pool. The water was crystal clear and the tiles were a bright blue, there were change rooms on the far side that had the correct signs hanging on the doors. A life guard stand was set up on the long sides, one on each side, only one was occupied, the other was closed down. I guess they only needed one life guard. She was really pretty, long gold hair, a pale skin tone, freckles, she was quite short from what I could see an very skinny. I put my towel down on a chair and took my shirt off, revealing my many tattoos, the girl in the stand had lots of tattoos too, I wonder how she got this job with facial piercings and tattoos, I thought you wouldn't be able to.

"Isn't that the girl you were staring at last night?" Ashley asked me, sitting down to show off his body to the ladies here. I rolled my eyes and looked at her again. It was the girl from last night. The one who that other girl with the red hair went back to and started screaming at. I think the red hair girl was named Val. I watched her as she smiled and waved to the kids that passed her to jump off the diving board or to go down the water slid. She seemed to be good with kids.

"Come on Andy!" I rolled my eyes at CC and stood up, walking over and getting into the cool water. I swam over to him and he pushed me under the water to get my hair wet. I laughed and we started having a splash fight like little girls. Eventually I pulled myself out of the water and went back over to my chair to dry off. I looked up and saw the girl with some guy that was wearing all black, which meant skinny jeans, a black hoodie, black boots, and a black beanie covering his brown curly hair. He looked so out of place and everyone else was staring at him but he was still talking to the girl but she didn't talk back.

"Help my son is drowning!!!" The girl looked over and jumped down from the stand, pulling off her tank top and running to the edge of the pool, diving in with grace. The boy ran to the other end of the pool where the girl was swimming and helped her pull the boy out of the water. We all were silent, watching as the girl placed her ear to the boys chest and nod. She started giving him CPR and he coughed up water, putting his head to the side.

Kylie/Devil (I'm just gonna put Devil since that's what everyone calls her)

I sat back, and breathed out a quiet sigh of relief that he was alright. I held out my hand and Moose pulled me to my feet.

"Thank you thank you thank you." The women who I guess was the boys mother gushed, hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back lightly. "What's your name." I loked back at Moose and he answered for me.

"Her name is Devil."

"That can't be your real name."

"It's not, but everyone calls her that so she goes by Devil." Moose shrugged. The lady looked over at Moose annoyed and I had to hide my giggle that wouldn't make any sound anyways.

"Why don't you let the girl talk?"

"I would." Moose said, smiling at me. "If she talked." He said the last part towards the lady.

"Oh I'm sorry." She helped her son up and he looked up at me, he didn't really have to considering he was only a couple inches shorter than me.

"Thank you. " And he hugged me too. What is with me getting hugs today?

"Devil, lunch break." I nodded at my boss and waved goodbye to the kid and his mom before turning to Moose and holding up 5 fingers.

"5 minutes or I'm leaving without you and you can get there yourself." I rolled my eyes and ran into the staff section of the girls change room, pulling my skinny jeans on over my shorts again and putting my band shirt on, grabbing my phone, jacket and helmet. I ran out with a minute to spare and Moose rolled his eyes. "You got lucky." I smiled and he put his arm around me as we walked out of the pool area and getting on our bikes. "Race you." I smirked.

You're on

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