The Guy In The Mask

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"Ughh.. I'm starving!" Emily groaned. "Oh c'mon Emily, class is almost over just 5 more minutes" I encouraged her, patting on her back. "I'm gonna die!" She murmured, slacking herself on the table. "Just-"
"Hey! You two! Pay attention to the class!" The teacher yelled at the both of us.
"Sorry" I nodded. "Damn, you're lucky she didn't gave you detention" Emily nudged. "Shush if you don't want to get detention" As I said that, the bell rang.

                                 RING RING RING!
Everyone from the class got up and left the class. "Ahh! Finally! Time to get food~" She happily said, jumping around as if she was floating. "Yeah Yeah" I rolled my eyes, following behind her back. "Today's lunch should be spaghetti and meatballs" I looked at the lunch's schedule. "My favourite!" She childishly said. "Whatever, go get your lunch before everyone takes it" Her eyes widen. "OH CRAP RIGHT I COMPLETELY FORGOT!" She rushed to the cafeteria. I laughed.
After lunch, I decided to take a day off. I threw my arms up in the air. "What a long day" I walked down the path home. "Such a nice sunset, I'll walk slower" I stared up at the pink-orange skies. I was too distracted that I bumped into a person. "Oof!" I fell to the ground.

I felt something warm beneath me. I flush my eyes open and I saw a guy in shades and a mask. I realize that I had fell on him and he was unable to get up. "AHHH! I'm sorry!" I got up quickly. "Are you h-hurt?" I asked, crouching down. "N-No, I'm not hurt, don't worry" The voice sounded familliar. "Umm.. you sound familliar, have I met you before?" I questioned, looking at his covered face. "No, I suppose not" His change of voice sounded nervously.

"Ah, well can you take off your shades and mask? Maybe I could get you coffee or something" I offered him a gentle smile. "Ah, you don't have to.. now if you might excuse me" He quickly got up and walked away. "Odd.." I shrug. "Meh, maybe I mistooken him from someone" I countinued to walk home in silence.

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