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"wanna come over today?" jisung asked as he chewed the nasty salad from the school. 

"don't see why not. let me ask my parents first." i grabbed my phone, and opened the chat with my mom. i filled her in on the details and she said it was okay if i went, but she was quite busy. meaning i had to walk home, which i personally didn't think was that bad. 

"my mom said i could, i just need to walk home after." i lift my head up from the screen to meet felix and jisung's eyes, which were filled with fear. 

"walk home? are you crazy? do you not know anything about our neighborhood?" felix said, raising his voice which only further confused me. 

"what? there's nothing wrong with your neighborhood. right?" i asked, hoping for a solid answer but all i got was a face palm and open mouth. 

"minnie sometimes you can be so dumb. our neighborhood is major gang territory. if you walk around alone at night and you're practically done for." jisung stabbed his salad, as if he was showing someone stabbing another person. 

"really? nothing happens to me when i used to walk around your neighborhood though." i mumbled, barely loud enough for the others to hear me. 

"of course you have, but that was when it was bright stupid." felix remarked, only making me scoff in response. 

"well not exactly, i've gone out at night before." i watched the two and their unpredictable actions, where jisung dropped his fork and felix almost fell off the table. 

"what? when? why?" both jisung and felix shouted, drawing the attention of everyone around us. 

"usually whenever we have sleepovers. i still don't know why it's such a big deal thought." i said, taking a bite out of the food my mom had packed for me. 

"you're gonna kill me one day. but i'm more shocked that they haven't come for you yet... i'm curious..." felix whispered, barely audible. 


i walked up to jisung's house alone. yes, alone. we were originally going to walk together but i forgot something in my classroom so i just told them to get a head start, so here i was, alone. 

i turned the knob and swung the door open, knowing for a fact that jisung's parents weren't there and the two idiots don't lock the door. 

"did y'all miss me?" i shouted, climbing up the stairs to jisung's room. 

before i could respond, jisung came out of no where and took me by the arm, dragging me into his bedroom. 

"bro there is something seriously wrong." jisung commented, randomly pointing to a teenage boy around our age, who was just on a swing. 

"what do you mean? seems perfectly normal to me." i took a glance back at him, squinting my eyes just in case i may have missed something. 

"dude, i was watching you when you came, and once you stepped in, the guy popped out of the bushes!" jisung exclaimed, using big hand motions. 

not too long after, felix had come back from the bathroom to join our panic party. 

"uh...what happened here?"  

"seungmin has a stalker and he's lowkey kinda hot!"


And Seungmin's stalker is? I wonder who it could be....hmm....

edit: i hope you guys like that last part, i thought it would be funny to add in

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