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l-lowercase from now on i guess....


"let's have some fun...shall we?"

seungmin walked into the room, the alcohol taking over his body. he approached the men slowly, smiling softly. this better be worth it felix.

he walked up to one of them men and grabbed his hands, wrapping it around his shoulders, "hello~" seungmin smiled as he slightly swayed left and right.

the stranger chuckled, "needy much huh? how about you help your friends?" the stranger said, making the anger start to reside inside seungmin, just making him smirk.

"gladly." seungmin said before flipping the guy over his body and slamming him onto the floor, his head knocking onto the table.

"s-seungmin??" hyunjin shouted once he heard the clashing sounds coming from the side.

"ya?" seungmin answered, dusting his hands off and wiping it onto his clothing, "i'm already done with one. he's unconscious."

"what the hell?" chan shouted as he was still busy by the guy he was dealing with, "how the hell did you manage to do that?"

"seduction." seungmin whispered and sat down, "now if you excuse me, i'll take over for a bit."

these guys aren't very smart, they didn't notice anything. all they have is strength. seungmin said in his head. he smirked.

"time to have some fun~" seungmin sung nice and calmly. he then walked straight past the last three men and sat there. of course the men didn't notice, they were too focused on who was in front of them.

seungmin saw minho struggling, especially since his strong point wasn't strength surprisingly. you would've expected it but he's more in the smarts department.

he backhugged the man in black and he froze completely, "keep your guard up." seungmin whispered before signaling minho to knock him out.

and so he did, minho knocked out the man. seungmin let go of him and growled in disgust.

"where have these men been? this is disgusting!" seungmin shouted, warning the attention of the last two men. chan took this chance to smack the man on his head with a wooden stick.

"one more." seungmin whispered. he tried to think of a new strategy to help hyunjin and the man fighting him.

he saw the two had a reasonable distance and had thought of a perfect fighting tactic. perfect.

he waited until the gap between hyunjin and the man grew bigger, and low and behold, it did.

once seungmin concluded it was big enough, he ran up to the two fighting and back hugged hyunjin. that's right, hyunjin.

"okay when he gets two feet in front of you i'm going to lift you and you need just kick him in the face cause that might work?" seungmin said a little confused yet proud of his work.

hyunjin nodded and waited.

one step.

two step.

three step.

seungmin lifted hyunjin and he did as he was instructed, he kicked his face as hard as he could, then sending him flying.

the four men in black were all knocked out and on the floor. chan sent his men to tie them up and keep them in the basement. a nice way.

while everyone was celebrating on the defeat of those men, seungmin sat down for a second. he felt like he couldn't breathe, he felt like he committed a sin, he felt like a bad person.

minho noticed this and ran up to him, asking if he was okay. seungmin didn't respond, making minho think for a little.

"hyunjin! i need you right now." minho shouted. hyunjin ran up to minho and noticed the state seungmin was in, "i need you to comfort him."

minho just left the room and partied with all the other people. hyunjin just sat there in shock just wondering what he was supposed to be doing.

"u-um... seungmin?" hyunjin whispered, using a nice and calmly voice. before he knew it, seungmin had his arm wrapped around hyunjins waist and both of them sitting on the floor.

"c-can we sleep?" seungmin whispered softly indicating his tiredness. hyunjin nodded as he carried seungmin to chan's bedroom which had two queen sized beds just for visitors.

hyunjin rested seungmin and the bed and started to walk away.

"wait! please don't go..." seungmin whispered loud enough for hyunjin to still hear. hyunjin just walked back and sat next to him, "but that's uncomfortable! come here."

seungmin patted the extra space next to him on the bed and hyunjin just reluctantly got under the covers.

seungmin immediately wrapped his arms around hyunjins waist, their faces only an inch apart. hyunjin was blushing like crazy, but luckily the room was filled with darkness just like chan's style.

"good night."

seungmin said before lightly pecking his lips.


y'all i haven't updated this in such a long time- what other book should i update?

803 words

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