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"sure why not? i don't have a problem with it." seungmin just shrugged and commented. hyunjin, who made it painfully obvious, seemed to enjoy seungmin's answer. 

although they've only talked for a little, hyunjin enjoyed seungmin's company which confused him, considering he never really enjoyed being with anyone. that's why he started stalking seungmin. he needed someone to appreciate and seungmin just so happened to catch his eye. seungmin left hyunjin, who seemed to be busy thinking, and walked up to the others who were eating their breakfasts at two different tables. chan sat down next to the hyunjin who ended up walking over to an empty table, smirking at him.

"where y'all headed to?" chan looked at hyunjin with amusement in his eyes. the entire time he knew hyunjin, he had never seen him so intrigued. 

"no clue. maybe going on a group mall trip so he doesn't fell uncomfortable?" hyunjin shrugged, unsure of the plans. chan looked at the younger in awe. 

in awe of his stupidness.

"hyunjin you're the dumbest person in the world."


"so. where we going?" seungmin asked when the him and hyunjin left jisung's house together. hyunjin just shrugged for a second before speaking. 

"maybe we could do a group hangout at a mall? i'm not sure, i just don't want you to be uncomfortable." hyunjin responded, making seungmin nod. 

"sure. does that mean i could bring a friend? oh and my cousin!" seungmin asked excitedly, making hyunjin nod his head, not being able to say no. 

seungmin jumped in excitement and thanked him. it had gone silent between the two until hyunjin randomly pulled seungmin into a bush.

"hey! what do yo-"

before seungmin could continue, he felt hyunjin's hand lightly coming in contact with his lips, covering them.

"shhh. there are bad people coming. try to stay quiet." Hyunjin said.

a member of chan's gang walked by. the leaders knew about the barely formed alliance but did their members? not really. the moment the meeting was over, they went over to jisung's house to meet seungmin. it was only natural that the other members were clueless. 

hyunjin hadn't realized how small the distance between the two were until he noticed the change in seungmin's breathing patterns. 

"seungmin? you good?" hyunjin whispered worriedly, speaking extra quiet to make sure no one heard him. 

"i'm sorry I just don't like being too close."


oof this part disturbed me so i changed it!

Time finished - September 20 11:29pm
edited (again) - april 11 

542 words

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