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the three arrived at the designated hangout, their faces covered with shock and despair. they looked at the scene that unraveled in front of them. there was blood, everywhere. in every corner laid at least one blood splatter and some were a dark-ish red, indicating they were fresh.

hyunjin fell on the floor, defeated, hoping he had put some better protection around the area. he counted the bodies. a total of five bodied who were either unconscious or completely dead.

mijin and hyunjin looked at the scene, mouths opened with their eyes tearing up while seungmin pulled out his phone and called a hospital.

"yes. can you please send a lot of ambulances? the situation is not important, there are people in danger." seungmin said over the phone. hyunjin's mind finally processed the whole situation, making him clench his teeth out of anger. 

"fuck you rm. you've started war." hyunjin said, his voice deeper than usual, scaring both mijin and seungmin. seungmin had never seen him angry and mijin knew exactly how destructive hyunjin was when he was angry.

"seungmin, can you go to jisung's to call minho and the others. tell them to bring their gangs as well. this means business." hyunjin said, taking off his jacket and walked towards the bodies on the floor. seungmin nodded, running to jisung's house. 

seungmin slammed open the door, running straight up to jisung's room after closing the front door. he slammed open the door to find jisung in his bed with his phone in front of his face. 


"huh? seungmin why're you here at this time?" jisung sat up after seeing seungmin's state, realizing that something must've gone wrong. 

"can you call minho? i need to speak with him, like right now." seungmin said. jisung immediately dialed minho, handing the phone to seungmin who was collecting his breathe. 


"Hyunjin's gang- i-it...i-"
"Calm down, take a breathe and tell me."
"His gang... they've been attacked."


"hey mijin. do you think you can find surviviors and help them? at least until the ambulance is here." hyunjin said, not waiting for the ambulances in order to have an inspection of the inside. 

"hey hyunjin. they aren't dead. they're all breathing. i'll try my best to keep them alive, go inside." mijin ran over to the bodies and began doing medical duties. on the otherhand, hyunjin was about to step into the hangout when he heard a familiar voice call his name. 

"hyunjin! what the hell happened?" minho ran over once he saw the blood on the outsides of the door. 

"i have no idea who caused this. it was probably rm." hyunjin said, cracking his knuckles, "he's always had a grudge against me." 

"then he's the right person to blame. i sent some of my members to go get chan and changbin. they'll probably arrive soon." minho said, looking at hyunjin who had a distraught facial expression.

"thank you." hyunjin said, focusing hit attention back to the base. he walked inside and headed straight for the secret trapdoor to find the person who they came for in the first place. 

"siwoo. it's me, hyunjin. you can come out now." hyunjin raised his volume, hearing a couple noises as if someone was walking. 

"jinnie hyung?" siwoo popped his head out from the attic, making hyunjin smile as bright as he could. 

siwoo's eyes watered, pulling hyunjin in for a hug as he sobbed."i-i was so scared hyung! t-they just came in asking for things a-and they began wrecking the place..."

"did they ever say their names?" hyunjin asked, tightening his grip on the younger. 

"uhh the leader said his name was namjoon... a-and they said they wanted to speak to you but we told them you weren't there and they didn't believe us and-" siwoo rambled, hyunjin just shushing him.

"you can tell the story to all of us, including mijin." hyunjin smiled as he watched siwoo's smile grow. 

"mijin as in like, the mijin that left?" siwoo asked in confusion, still smiling due to the thought of her coming back. 

"yes, our mijin. cover your eyes and i'll take you to her." both hyunjin and siwoo stood up, siwoo closing his eyes and hyunjin guiding the younger boy through the hallway, avoiding all the wrecked stuff. 

once siwoo felt a cold breeze of air, he opened his eyes once again to see mijin who was working with the ambulance doctors while minho's gang plus seungmin who stood guard. 

"is that really you mijin?" siwoo cupped his hands over his mouth, not believing the sight in front of him. mijin turned around, her face lighting up as she saw him. 

"siwoo!" mijin ran over to him and hugged him. the people watched them reunite but sadly, it wasn't the time for that. 

when the final body was packed into the ambulance, they left off. after a couple minutes of standing there to make sure nothing went wrong again, minho had noticed something. 

"hey. don't you think it's taking a little long for changbin and chan to head over here? it should've only taken two minutes." minho asked hyunjin who hadn't realized. 

"we'll head over to chan's. you guys can stop by changbin's. and dont forget to stop by our own base, we wouldn't want anything bad to happen there." minho said to his members who nodded, and went to the specified areas. 



Chapter! It's not as good as I wanted it to be but um be prepared? I guess...
edit note - i did not realize this was so messy,,, also i changed some of the story line so i'm sorry if it doesn't match up to what it was before.

December 30 11:55am
edit - april 16, 2020
972 words

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