~Chapter 3~ Try me.

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Third person POV.
Lafayette perked up once he heard the ringing sound of the doorbell. He grabs Alexander's hand and runs to the door with him "come on Lexi! He actually came!"

Alex ran after him bewildered as to what the French boy was so excited about. They reached the door and Lafayette quickly opened it to reveal Washington in a formal black suit arguing with another man the two boys did not know.

"We already have enough children! We need actual adults or at least teenagers! They are too young to understand or learn the skills!" The other man yelled. He was slightly taller than Washington and he looked intimidating.

Alexander quickly hid behind laf and Lafayette just watched and tried to understand what they were actually talking about.

"But Reynolds, you are talking about a kid who could literally hack into top secured files! He could be incredible with some training! And Lafayette could make an amazing spy! I would train him myself! Just, please let-....." Washington looked at the open door with the two boys staring at them. Washington clears his throat and stands up straighter and smiles at the kids "oh hi lafayette. Is this Alex?"

Alexander peeked out at him and his confidence boosted up just by knowing some he never knew, knows him. He stepped out from behind Lafayette.

"Actually, I'm Alexander Hamilton. Not Alex. Only Laffy calls me Alex." Washington laughs and nods. "Haha alright, Mr. Hamilton" Alex puffs out his chest with pride.

The other man, Reynolds, clears his throat to get the attention of everyone. "Washington we are here to see if they are acceptable for L.A.S"

"L.A.S?" Lafayette echoes in confusion. Washington nods. "Yes. It stands for learning academy for spies"

Lafayette gasps "SPIES?! I WANNA BE A SPY!" Washington quickly shushes him. "Rule number one of being a spy, let no one know you are a spy" Lafayette quickly nods. "Oh okay!" Reynolds sighs. "Are you sure about these two George?" He says looking over the two boys with concern. "They are thin and look frail" Washington rolls his eyes. "They just need to be fed some more. They will grow with the proper care. And besides, I'm always right with getting recruits. Have I ever failed you?" The other shook his head no. "But you really did take a risk getting that Charles Lee and "king" George. And then there's Thomas Jefferson."

Lafayette looked at them in confusion. Thomas Jefferson? He smiled softly at the name. Has a nice ring to it. He thought and giggled aloud quietly. Then went back to listening to the conversation the two older men were having.

"Thomas is an amazing spy though! He's the fastest and strongest out of all the kids! He's also very smart and has great strategies for anything we throw at him!" He complained back to Reynolds. "He is also obnoxious and cocky. He doesn't understand that things won't always be easy for him and he refuses to work with anyone. He also picks on the other kids and the only person he talks to his James Madison." Washington scowls at him but he just shakes his head and looks back at the kids.

"Alexander. You know how to hack files?" Alexander nods quickly. "Yes sir!" Washington walks inside the building and looks down at him. "Then let's see what you got, shall we?" He says with a challenging smile on his face.

Alexander smirks. "I can get into anything you give me! Try me!" Confidence was leaking from him and it amused George. He had a feeling about Alexander. He is going to be great. Washington knew it.

Third person POV.

Lafayette stood to the side while Washington and Alex sat down in the living room. He stood next to Reynolds who was leaning against the wall with a bored look written all over his face while Lafayette looked intensely at Washington and Alex.

Washington pulled out a computer and typed up something Lafayette couldn't see then handed the computer over to Alexander. The boy scoffed. "Come on. I thought you would be giving me a challenge here." He said and then his hands flew across the keyboard quickly typing and even yawning halfway through it. After about 5 minutes there was a small beep noise and the computer said access granted.

This finally grabbed Reynolds attention. "Did he already finish?!" He said with wide and disbelieving eyes. Alex smirked and nodded. This was the famous smirk that Lafayette has grown to be used to but Reynolds was fuming with rage by the smug look on his face. "That's impossible! He's an orphan! He's 11!" George chuckled. "Well, clearly it isn't impossible... Alexander where did you learn how to do this?" Alex smiled. "Looooots of books and also doing studies on the computer."

Washington put away the computer. "May I see your books son?" Alex's happy look suddenly was replaced with anger and hatred. "Don't call me son" Washington looked at him in confusion but didn't press on the matter. "Alright. I'm sorry Alexander" the 11-year-old stood up and walked up to his and laf's room. "Whatever. You want to see the books or no?" Washington stood and followed quietly.

Lafayette was forgotten and left behind with Reynolds. He looked up at him. "S-Sir are you okay?" He shook his head no and walked outside. "Follow me" he growled in a deep voice that sent shivers down lafayette's back. He quickly scurried over to him.

They were outside in the backyard. Reynolds took out a dart gun. And handed it to Lafayette. "Can you shoot this?" Lafayette nodded remembering looking at nerf gun and shooting that pretty well. "Alright.." Reynolds left and came back with a huge target and leaded lafayette away from it pretty far. "Shoot the target," Reynolds said coldly and bluntly. "O-okay.." Laf took a deep breath in then out then pulled the trigger. The dart flew across the air and hit a bullseye. "Again" the older man said. Lafayette shot again hitting another bullseye. ".. One more time" Lafayette nodded and shot one more time hitting the ring just before the center. He swore under his breath.

Reynolds nodded like he was thinking to himself then took the gun away from him. "Have you ever shot a moving or living thing with a real gun?" He said looking over the small boy.

"No sir."

"Alright. Let's go see what your friend is doing now" they both walk back inside and find Alexander showing Washington his huge collection of books. Lafayette smiled when he saw Washington listening to every word Hamilton was blabbing about. Usually, no one would listen to the boy because none of the kids liked him or understood the complex things he would speak of.

"Well, what do you think of them?" Washington asked Reynolds once he noticed him. He thought a moment. "We do need more members... And they both seem like they have potential. Alright fine. But no more children Washington." Washington smiled widely "understood. Thank you, sir!" He looks at Lafayette and Alexander. "How would you two like to be trained to be spies? You'd sleep in the L.A.S building and train and work there as well. Its free for you two and there are other kids as well! There is also normal school classes as well. What do you think?"

Lafayette and Alex looked at each other and thought the same thing.

Yes. Yes, please take us away from here.

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