~Chapter 12~ Groups Of Four

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Laf's POV.
After Jefferson left, I dove for Alexander, holding him. He groaned softly but to my surprise, he was smiling at me. "D-Did you see his bloody nose? Haha got him good didn't I?" I just stared at him then smiled back and nodded, leaning him against the wall. I finally got a good look around the place. It was just a huge empty room. No chairs, no tables. Just a huge space. Everyone was looking in shock at me and Alexander. I didn't mind. Let them look.

The walls were a beige color and the floors were a more white hard surface. There were some purple mats pulled up against some walls. The click of footsteps approaching me was heard and I looked up. It was four girls. Three of them looked similar. And the littlest one dragged along that one girl in red from yesterday.

The oldest girl in pink smiled "Hey. That was pretty great how you stood up to Thomas." I shrugged. "Thanks. But I was terrified. I didn't even do much." I admitted

"You did more than anyone has before. Besides Madison, no one stands up to him. We usually just leave him to his devices."

I nodded glancing towards the other girls.
"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Angelica Schuyler. These are my sisters, Eliza and Peggy." She pointed to the other two girls. One in yellow and the other in a bright blue. The red girl stayed behind who I guessed was Peggy.

Angelica looked back at the red girl I was looking at. "Oh, that's Maria. Peggy's friend." Peggy nodded smiling happily "mhm! She may be shy, but when you get to know her, you'll start to love her!" Peggy said with stars in her eyes. Maria in turn turned as red as her shirt and looked down with a grin on her face.

"Nice to meet you! I am Lafayette. This is my friend Alexander Hamilton. The idiot for getting into a fist fight on his first day" Alex stuck his tongue out at me "oh screw you too!" I laughed.

Then the doors then opened and Thomas came back in with Madison. He held his hand tightly and James kept his head down, flinching when Thomas looked back at him.

"Hey what's up with Madison? Thomas seemed really pissed off earlier.. Do you think he.. I don't know maybe hurt him too?" Eliza shook her head "of course not. He's always protecting him and around him. He wouldn't hurt the one thing he loves so dearly." I looked back at James again. He was sitting on Thomas's lap, now crying I assumed based on his shaking shoulders and the way Thomas rubbed his back.

"Yeah.. You're probably right. I'm being stupid." I forced a laugh then jumped as a whistle was blown. It was from Washington I smiled as I knew he would be here teaching us.

"Alright everyone, line up." Everyone got into a straight line looking up at him. James was the last one to get over here. He held Thomas's hand tight as the southerner softly rubbed his thumb over the back of James's hand, holding up his arm and kissing his wrists for an odd reason. Madison tried pulling his hand away but Thomas kept his grip on him as he muttered something to him. Madison nodded and let him trace his wrists with a gentle finger. They looked like.. Bandages on Madison's arms.

Jefferson caught me staring and he let go of James's arm glaring at me.

I looked down quickly, suddenly becoming interested in my shoes and the ground. After I felt his eyes lay off me, I sighed and looked back up at Washington. He was talking but I wasn't really listening until he said my name.

"So, now that I went over everything"

Shit. What was he saying? Something about getting a partner? Oh fuck.

I start to panic slightly, not knowing what the hell we were supposed to do.

"Id like to introduce Lafayette and Hamilton.  They are new, and I have some high hopes for them." He looked mostly at Hamilton with twinkling eyes.

"So now, get into groups of four." I looked around, going to Hamilton (duh) and looked for anyone else. But the four girls were together, and everyone else was already partnered up. That left...

"Washington I refuse to partner up with that.. That gremlin!" Jefferson said angrily. Washington looked between me and Alexander to Jefferson and Madison. "I said teams of four. And besides, you four would be a good team. Think about it Thomas-" he was cut off by Jefferson "My name is Jefferson to you, sir." He hissed out the name. Washington looked calmly back at him "Thomas. You will be with Lafayette and Hamilton. If you have a problem with it then put it in your list of things you hate. But make sure it stays out of my quarters. It's growing pretty long now don't you think?" He said with a straight face. The other kids giggled including me.

Thomas's face grew red but he bit his lip, hiding his rage that burnt in his eyes. Hamilton must've been the one to light the match, but Washington really is fueling the flams. Jefferson stormed up to Hamilton and I with Madison following behind

"Alright Hamilton, I won't get in your way if you don't get in my way. Are we clear?" Hamilton smirked "crystal." Madison glanced at me nervously, I smiled back, trying to make him feel alright. He just moved further from me. His sleeves were down again. I glanced at his covered wrists and he noticed, pulling his arms to his chest protectively. Thomas, seeing this, wrapped his arm around Madison and whispered quiet and sweet nothings into his ear. Telling him "it's alright." And "I'm here" then kissing his neck softly and letting him go. James was much at ease now but still stuck close with Jefferson.

Washington's voice echoed in the room once again

"Alright. Warm ups! Each team will be given a ball" he held up a squishy purple ball "two people will be placed at each side of the room. One person has the ball, that person will run to the opposite side of the room, hand off the ball, then that person will go. You shall do this till I blow the whistle. Go" He looked expectantly at us. We all just stood in silence before Jefferson rolled his eyes and went up to grab a ball "He said go you asswipes" he grabbed a magenta ball 

"No get the green one!" Alexander shouted after Thomas "Purple is so much better!" He yelled "The fuck?! No its not! Get the green!"

Me and Madison stood by watching in annoyance and Jefferson and Hamilton argued over a ball color. Everyone else was already running and getting started and we haven't even had a ball. Madison grabbed a red one, holding it up "we can use this one! It doesn't matter!" Alex snapped at him "It does! I'm not losing this fight! Green is a million times better than purple!" Thomas's face heated up "It's not! I bet if everyone took a vote, purple would win best color!"

"HA!" Ham forced a mocking laugh and snorted.

"You little!-" Jefferson was cut interrupted by Washington. "You four are supposed to work together! As a group!" He shook his head, snatched the green ball and held it up. "Use this. Get going." Hamilton had a victorious and smug grin on his face, proud of himself for 'winning' the fight.

Jefferson mumbled something, most likely a sly remark and got to the other side of the room. I followed and Madison and Alex stood on the other end.

I stood behind Thomas. He was taller and larger than me, he made me feel small, even tho I was up to his nose. His hair looked perfect from behind. Every curl shiny and placed neatly on his shoulders. He wore his hair down, unlike mine which I always wore up. He stood still, cross-armed and waiting for Alexander to run over here with the ball. I chuckled at Alex who was bickering with Madison.

"My God its not this hard to do drills" I heard him mutter. "Well that's Alex for ya" I chipped in, trying to strick up a nice conversation. He just looked back at him with sharp witty eyes and turned back around. "I swear his pride will be the death of us all" he said with an ominous tone.

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