~Chapter 7~ Enemies at first sight

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Laf's POV
I looked down after he broke my gaze, feeling saddened and i didn't even know why. I kept my head down till i heard Alexander speaking.

"So which one of you is Thomas Jefferson?" he said and looked around the room with a glint of evil glowing in his eyes.

A smooth and calm voice rang out, but it was sharp and menacing at the same time. It sounded as if hell and heaven were forming words on his tongue.

"Who wants to know?" I looked up. It was the boy. He stayed in his laid-back position leaning against the wall with his hands still shoved in his pockets. The same little spark of light shone in his eyes, showing that both boys were ready for a fight already.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton. I was wondering what all the fuss is about you when i first met Washington. So tell me Jefferson, what makes you so great?" He hissed out his name as if it was toxic and a sin to say.

Jefferson held his gaze then looked around the group of people who all had their eyes glued to him. They all leaned towards him like he was a magnate, he seems to enjoy it because he smirked and then looked back at Hamilton and sneered.

"Already picking fights on your first day hammy? Come on, and here I thought you and me could be friends~" his voice rang out in a sing-songy tone that had a tease laced in every word. It was obvious that this was enemies at first sight.

Alexander looked at him, pissed that he didn't answer his question "and I thought you would have half the wits to know how to answer a damn question" he crossed his arms.

Washington stepped into the boys that seemed to be death glaring each other.

"Alright that's enough. Alexander, Lafayette. You two are going to share a dorm. I'm taking you there then its light out." He looked at everyone waiting for something. "Understood?" The kids voices rang in unison. "Yes sir!"

Washington did a curt and brief nod then walked to the other door across the room near jefferson. Me and Alexander followed and while i passed him i could feel the tension buzzing from Alexander to Thomas.

We left the room and the door started closing from behind us with a quiet creaking noise.

I looked behind me and i saw a pair of deep brown eyes staring back at me. Thomas's eyes. But also another male with deep brown skin and curly black hair. He wore a blue bandana with the name "Herc" across it in silver letters. I looked back and in 2 second, they were gone from view by the door making a clicking noise as it closed shut.

Me and Lafayette followed Washington threw a maze of rooms and hallways. Finally, we reached a door at the very end of a hallway the the very end of the building. He opened it and smiled down at me and I took my first step inside the dorm room.

I looked around. It was modern. Clean. On opposite sides of the room there was a bed with a gray comforter and one white pillow. Next to the beds was a gray nightstand with a lap on it. Above the beds and nightstands was a large window. It showed part of the city and the sky. Apparently as we went threw the building, we must've also gone up ground as well.

There was a furry gray carpet with a white wood flooring underneath. The walls were a very light gray color. The only pop of color was on the two desks. Each one was against a wall on opposite sides. There was a vase with a red rose on each desk.

The room was over all boring but a lot better than my old room, so im not complaining.

"You two decide which side of the room you want, then hand your cloths in the closet neatly. After that you shall go to bed. Me or someone else will wake you tomorrow for your first day." Washington said in a mono tone. He must've said this to every other child and was tired, so he didn't even try to make it sound enthusiastic or optimistic.

I nodded and set my suit case on the left side of the room as Alexander put his on the right side. Washington closed our door and just like that me and him were alone in a new place with new people. All alone.

I sighed and curled into my bed. Alexander was saying something but I wasnt really listening. I just nodded then a heavy weight was thrown onto my eyes and the world turned dark.

Thomas's POV.
Lafayette and Hamilton hm?

I smirked as the door shut.

Welcome to hell

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