~Chapter 5~ storm

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Laf POV.

The rest of the way in the car was just Alexander and Washington talking among themselves about anything and everything. I wasn't paying much attention to them though. I looked out the window and swung my legs back and forth, back and forth.

It was calming and I must've fallen asleep because I opened my eyes up to Washington gently shaking me awake. "Lafayette wake up. We still need to take the boat."

Boat? What boat? I thought as I groaned and sat up.

My head pounded and my stomach hurt. I looked around and outside the window was a curious alexander asking questions to Mr. Reynolds and a beautiful blue river with new york city across from it. I quickly got out if the car and smiled and breathed in the cool salty air, letting it fill my lungs.

It felt nice. Way better than the stuffy car air I was breathing in that entire time. "Woah... New York City! It's just right there! I can almost touch it!" I exclaimed and reached my hand out to the river and city in the distance. It felt so close!

Reynolds sneered at me and chuckled darkly. "Oh kid.. New York is nothing to be excited about. If anything, you better be scared of that place." He said close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my ear that sent shivers down my back. He stood up straight and turned to Washington. "So George I was thinking," he walked away from me and I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. I stayed still and peered at new york in silence only ripping my gaze away from the city when Alexander hugged me "Ugh why is it so cold and rainy?!"

I looked down at him in confusion. "Rain?" It wasn't until then I noticed the dark gray sky and rain pouring down and drenching my clothes and curly hair.

"Yes rain you oblivious idiot. What's up with you today?" Alex asked.

I shook my head "nothing is wrong. I just wasn't aware of the rain." Alexander gave me a weird look but then shrugged it off. "Alright then."

The rain started to get worse and it got darker. I looked at the river and smiled at the strong fast current spinning out of control from the strong winds and rain. I always loved the rain. Especially storms. They looked so amazing and powerful.

And the river was the best thing he's seen from a storm. It was mesmerizing. It was perfect for reminding him of how his thoughts might look. Just swirling and strong black currents fighting through his mind.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Washington calling me and Alexander's names'. We both quickly ran to him. "Yes, sir?" I said through the winds. "We are going to go inside the boat and sail across the river" he yelled through a crash of thunder.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! It's storming!" Alexander yelled. Washington smiled a bit "Don't worry the sailor is very experienced. He's been through worse than this."

I and Alexander gave each other worries glances not fully trusting Washington's reasoning but we trusted him enough to follow him down to the docks and saw a really nice and expensive looking boat. I gave Washington one last worried glance before I stepped into the boat Alexander quickly following behind me.

Washington stepped on with Reynolds behind him. "Okay kids, there is a downstairs and we'll stay there" he says as he reaches a door on the boat. He opens it and it leads into a pretty big room with a couch, coffee table, and some pretty ocean pictures threw out the room. I and Alexander followed Washington and Washington in and we all made ourselves comfortable on the couch.

I looked around and smiled when I heard the boat start and start to make its way across the wavy river. Alexander hugged my arm tightly. I quickly tried to calm him

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