Sick day

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Jess POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night, my stomach cramping worse than it ever has in my life

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I wake up in the middle of the night, my stomach cramping worse than it ever has in my life. Suddenly feeling sickI get up out of bed and run to the bathroom. Leaning over the toilet I throw up the contents in my stomach. I start to cough, trying to keep it quiet, but the door to the bathroom slowly creaks open.

"Jess, love, are you alright?" Mikey asked opening the door more.

I look up at him. His eyes are practically still shut, blinded by the fluorescent light of the bathroom. Once his eyes adjust, though, a concerned expression crosses his face and he rushes over to help me.

"I'm fine," I say, my throat burning as I lean over the toilet to throw up again. 

He gathers my hair in the back of my head and rubs big circles on the back with the palm of his hand. I sit back up after coughing a few more times and he combs his fingers through my hair. I start to sweat because the room that felt so cold only a few seconds ago suddenly feels like a sauna.

"I'm sorry," I groan.
Mikey chuckles behind me and stands up slowly.
"I'll go get the thermometer," he says.

 I look up at him and nod. He comes back in a few minutes later and slowly slides the thermometer under my tongue. A few moments later, it starts beeping and I look down at the number. 39.33°C (102.9°F) 

I groan.
"let me see," he says and I hand him the thermometer and sulk up at him.
"I started some tea," he sighs, "would you like to go to the kitchen and drink some?"

I nod, a dull headache threatening my forehead. I groan as he helps me up, wrapping his arm around my waist just in case I'm too weak. I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth before we headed to the kitchen.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks, "Like, do you think you're going to throw up again?"
I take a sip of water and shake my head.
"I think I've gotten rid of all my internal organs as well as all the food I've ever eaten in my whole life."
"Well, at least we know it's over, then..." he smiles sympathetically. We walk into the kitchen and he sits me at one of the tall chairs at the kitchen counter.
"I suppose, how are you feeling otherwise?" He asks.
"Well other than the feeling that my eyes are about to fall out of my head, heat flashes, a sore throat, and a stomach ache, I'm doing great," I smile weakly. "You can go back to sleep if you want... you don't have to stay up with me." 

I feel badly keeping him up like this. I hate to burden him. I shiver, suddenly getting cold again and he sees, running over to the couch and grabbing a blanket to drape around my shoulders. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my temple as I take another sip of my tea.

"We'll get you to a doctor as soon as the sun comes up. And I'm not going back to bed. I'd rather stay up with you, you know? To make sure you're okay... For now, though, we can watch a movie?"
I sigh, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"If we have to." 
"Better safe then sorry. Besides your brothers would kill me if I didn't. Speaking of which, they would also kill me if I didn't tell them." He said, getting his phone out.
"Do we have to? They'll freak out over noting. I bet you it's just a one time thing. It'll be gone withen two days. They don't need to know about it."
"Jess, they come home in two days."
"Exactly, I'll be better by then."

Mikey sighs and puts his phone on the table. He helps me sit up on the couch and turns on the television to a movie channel, where they're playing  mamma mia. He then sits down next to me and I lay down in his lap. He plays with my hair gently, combing his fingers through it until I fall asleep.

Mikey POV:

I sit with baby maynard until she's fully asleep. Once I'm sure she's asleep I gently get up and place her in my previous sleep. She moves a bit but doesn't awaken. I grab my phone and head to the kitchen before making the phone call.

"Hello?" The groggy voice of Conor said through the phone.
"Conor, Jess is sick."
"What do you mean? Badly?" Conor asked, wide awake after the mention of his sister.
I heard Jack ask what's going on in the background.
"I woke up to her throwing up in the bathroom. I done her temperature as well." I explained.
"What's her temperature?"
"39.33°C (102.9°F)"
"Wow ok. Keep an eye on her for me will ya?"
"Course." I agreed.
"And bring her to the doctor first thing tomorrow morning." Jack said in the background
"Was going to do that anyway Jack." I called out to him.
"Right well, thanks for telling us."
"Enjoy guys."

I hung up just as I heard Jess going towards the bathroom. I rushed towards her, holding her hair back as she threw up in the toilet. Once she finished I helped her up so she could clean her teeth. I decided to bring her to Conors room so she was in comfort. I got her a bowl and glass of water as well in case she got sick again and couldn't make it to the bathroom. She soon fell asleep again and I headed off the my room, leaving her door open as I went to mine and fell into a very light sleep.

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