Hospital hardship

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Jess POV:

I sat beside Connor as he lay lifeless on the bed. Surrounded by beeping machines I stared ahead towards he window, watching the traffic below us, willing him to pull through. Each tick of the clock reminded me of the moments he wasn't responsive. I looked up as the door opened to reveal Mom and dad along with Jack and Anna. My siblings looked at me with relief and Jack went to hug me when mom stopped him. Anna then went to me but was held back by dads arms wrapping around her.

"You idiotic child." Mom stated.
"Mom." Jack exclaimed.
"No Jack. This thing could of killed your brother because of her stupidness."
"No." I whispered looking down.
"Yes child, yes. Because of you, Connor is lying on this bed with severe injuries and may not wake up." She stated as she moved closer to me.
"Mom." Anna gasped as I stumbled back.
"No Anna, she isn't family so why should I show her any kind of care."

She moved closer to me and I moved backwards only to hit the heart monitor.

"Mom stop." A weak voice stated causing everyone to turn.
"Conor." I whispered as everyone rushed towards him.

Conor POV:

Slowly, I opened my eyes causing a light to blind me. I blinked a few times before seeing clearly. I turned to see Mom hit Jess across the face followed by Annas gasp. I looked on as she went to her again and tried to speak as Anna hit the heart monitor.

"Mom stop." I eventually hoarsed causing everyone to turn to me.
"Oh my baby, are you alright?" Mom cried as she got to me.
"Conor." I heard a whisper and turned.

I watched Jess move towards the door slowly. She turned and looked at me with watery eyes as she smiled before reaching for the door. I gasped and tried to get up only to restrained by dad.

"Jessica." I cried out causing Jack to turn and rush after her.
"Connor, Connor, calm down. Don't mind her, she's just a fan." Mom stated as she soothed me.
"I'll go get a doctor." Dad said looking at mom before leaving, rubbing Annas shoulder who looked on in shock.
"Your okay Connor. Just relax." Mom soothed as I looked at the door in fear.

Jess POV:

I walked down the hallway, ignoring Connor calling me. When I heard Jack call me I picked up the pace. As I neared the elevator I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I gasped and struggled against him as he turned me to face him but he wouldn't release me.

"No, no, no, let me go, no, no, no." I fought as I hit Jack in the face.
"Stop, stop, stop it, Jess, please stop. Come here." He said as he tried to stop me.
"Let me go, let me go Jack, please, let me go." I cried as he grabbed my wrists and I pulled against his grip.
"Jess, Jessica, stop okay, stop." He said, nearly in tears.
"I'm not wanted so let me go. I've to leave, never to return, please Jack, let me leave, please." I begged.
"No, okay, no. I'm not letting you leave. Stay with me or Connor okay. Just don't leave, please. We can't live without you. We need you Jess, it don't matter what they think."
I looked down with tears falling as I nodded. Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.
"I love you." He stated.
"Love you too." I muttered as I closed my eyes.

The last thing I felt was Jack picking me up before I fell asleep.

Jack POV:

I felt Jess go limp in my arms as I picked her up. I looked down and smiled as I seen her asleep. Carefully I made my way back to Connors hospital room. As I pushed the door open with my foot I seen mom and dad gone as well as Anna. Conor looked up before staying facing Jess asleep.

"She's fine, asleep." I whispered gently so as not to wake her.

Connor nodded and moved over so I could lay her down. As soon as I moved to the seat he placed his arm around her to hold her securely. Jess moved closer to him and lay her head on his shoulder.

"We need to get her out of there. I can't have her living there after seeing mom do that. She could do that again." Connor stated as he watched her.
"How do we convince her?" I asked.
"I'll take guardianship of her. Anything so long as she doesn't go back there." He said looking at me.
"There's no way she will, we'll make sure of that." I responded with a smile.

She wasn't going back home, that's for sure.

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