Buttercream gang

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Jess POV:

"Wake up buttercup, rise and shine." Conor sung as he pulled the curtains open.
"Seriously." I groaned as I rolled over.
"Come on get up. We're going to see the lads today."
"Really?" I said excitedly.
"Yep. Come on, the sooner we get there the more time we can spend with them." he said as he left.

I rushed out of bed and quickly had a shower. After getting changed I blow dried my hair and plaited it before slipping on my shoes and heading down where Conor and Jack were waiting. They smiled at me before heading outside into Jacks car and driving off.

 They smiled at me before heading outside into Jacks car and driving off

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Jack soon pulled up at Joes place. I jumped out and rushed into the building with jack and Conor laughing. As we made it to Joes floor I knocked on his door. Shortly afterwards it opened and I jumped on Joe who caught me while laughing.

"Woah, someones happy." He joked.
"I missed you." I whined.
"I missed you too. Now how about we go to the others. They are all inside." He laughed as he closed the door.

Hi Jess!" The boys said waving at me.
"HI guys." I said in a happy tone.
I sat down and Joe came in with drinks and snacks. After he sat down the boys looked at each other before turning to me.
"So, how was your 'date'?" Oli asked.
"It was fine." I shrugged.
"Jack and Conor told us that he was concerned about you and this boy so we just wanted to  give you some advice before you think about going out with him again. Isn't that right lads?" Casper asked the rest of the boys who nodded.
"Can we make it quick?" I whined
"Jess. We just want to make sure that he is going to treat you well. Jack told us that he texted you saying that he likes you because of how pretty you are, but did he say anything else?"
"You read my messages?" I exclaimed looking at Jack.
"Not the point right now." He said, avoiding the question.
"Why are you asking?" I asked, getting a little frustrated.
"We just want to make sure he is going to treat you right." Joe said. "Who ever you decided to go out with, he needs to like you for what is on the inside ya know?"
"Yeah," Josh started to say. "It's true that you are very pretty, but what else does he like about you? Some boys just date girls who they think they are pretty and they don't treat them right. So we want you to make sure that he isn't just wanting to date you because he thinks your pretty. That is pretty shallow of him, and you deserve so much more."
"Do you get what we're trying to say?" Conor asked me.
I turned around and look at him before saying:
"Yeah, I do. You want me to make sure that he just doesn't like me because I'm pretty. And like mom always told you, guys shouldn't like girls just because of their looks. So I need to make sure that he actually likes me for me."
"That's right. He needs to like you for your personality. You're funny, sweet, caring, loyal, crazy at times. Does he know that about you? Is that what he likes about you? Those are the questions that you need to find the answers to." He said.
"Yeah I know that now. Thanks guys. It means a lot that you all would talk to me."
"Well, what can we say? You have two great big brothers Jess and they just want to protect you and wants the best for you. And so do we." Joe said.
"Thanks guys, really. It means too much."
I turned to Jack and he wrapped his arm around me.
"I love you little sis." He said.
"Love you too Con."
"Hey, I want a hug too." Jack whined jokingly.
"Love you too Jacky boy." I laughed, running over to hug him.

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