Brothers return

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Jess POV

I wake up feeling sore and tender and creating a horrible migraine as soon as I opened my eyes

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I wake up feeling sore and tender and creating a horrible migraine as soon as I opened my eyes. My sinuses were killing me and to make matters worse, my stomach was also turning against me. I pulled the heavy blanket from my body along with me as I dazed about, coming around to my surrounding.

I went to the bathroom as a sudden urge of throwing up came over me. I heaved over the toilet before  a long sigh of disappointment came from my mouth. I heard Mikey getting up from the room beside as I got up and cleaned around my mouth. I then made my way back to the kitchen slowly where Mikey was looking for something to eat for breakfast. He smiled at me as I slouched onto the stool at the island.

"Sleep well afterwards?" HE asked coming over to me.
"Till this morning. Had to go to bathroom." I said weakly.
"And you said you would be well when your brothers come back."
"I will be." I stated.
"So in two hours you will be well?" He asked, amused.
"Wait they're coming home today?" 
"Yea, here I'm going to do shopping then I'll be back by the time the other two are back. Have an orange, will have vitamins." He said, tossing me an orange.
"Fine." I sighed getting up and going to the living room as Mikey left.

I managed a few slices of the orange before falling asleep on the couch, snoring through the morning and unable to hear the front door click open.

Jack POV:

"Jess, Mikey, we're back a bit early. Jess?" Conor called from the doorway, voice becoming concerned when we didn't see them coming.

 He spotted our sister on the couch, napping and completely bundled in blanket and smiled softly to himself. He brushed her hair from her forehead and frowned, pressing his hand to her head again. Jess finally woke, keeping her eyes closed but smiling and nuzzling closer to him as I walked over to them.

"Hello," She rasped, looking up at us.
"Hello, sweetheart. Still under the weather, are we?" Conor cooed, taking your hand and smiling gently at her.
She nodded slowly, still feeling sleepy.
"Have you eaten anything today?" I asked.
"hadn't eaten all day, and don't even know what time it is." She shrugged.
"Hadn't?" Conor asked, causing Jess to smile weakly.
"Where's Mikey," I said, as I helped her sit up.
"Gone to the shop. Said he would be back before you guys came back." She shrugged as she wrapped up in the blanket.
"Well he didn't return on time so." Conor said as he left for his room.

I sat beside Jess and kissed her forehead as I skipped through the channels. Conor soon returned and sat on the opposite side of her and she leaned into him. He kissed her forehead as her favorite movie began. The rest of the day was spent with us in front of the TV. Eventually Jess fell asleep on Conor and we smiled at her before looking at the screen. Mikey came in soon after and went to put the food away. I followed him in.

"Thanks." I smiled.
"No problem." He said before we put away the stuff.

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