2: Stark Internship

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When Peter woke up, he was dazed and had forgotten that he was at the Stark tower until he walked into his bathroom. He also forgot that it was Tuesday, which meant time for his Testosterone shot. He left his apartment in such a rush the other day that he had forgotten to pack his shots, along with a few other things. 

He got dressed and began going to the lobby so he could go home, but the elevator stopped on floor 82 instead of the ground floor. Tony Stark called out to him and Peter had no choice but to go and talk with Mr.Stark.

"Hey kid, where ya going so early?"

Peter was shocked at how casual Mr.Stark was being, but after a few seconds he replied,
"I gotta run home and do some things, and I figured that since you didn't need me anymore it would be okay for me to go."

"What's more important than being shown around the Stark Tower?"

"Ah I guess it could wait." Peter said, but in reality he had been wearing his binder for 23 hours and really should take a break. And, he thought, his T shots should be at a consistent time for them to fully take effect. But how could he refuse a chance to be with one of his idols?

"Alright then, let's go."

     Three hours later, Peter was just saying goodbye to Mr.Stark after a (almost) complete tour of the Stark tower. He was really off schedule and had to get home, so he decided to swing back to the apartment.

     When he got to his room, Peter instantly began struggling out of his binder. His chest was a little bruised and moving too much was painful. He blasted some music and then stepped into a steaming hot shower. He hates showers because it's one of the only places he's that vulnerable and forced to face his body. 

     Once he's clean and has put on some fresh clothes, he begins prepping his shot. Aunt May comes home just as he's finishing, and she smiles at him from the bathroom doorway. 

"I'll never forget your first shot. You were so scared and made me hold your hand the whole time. But look at you now, doing it all on your own! I'm so proud of you, Peter." She ruffles his hair and then retreats to the living room. A few moments later she returns with a box. 

"What's in there?"

"Just a little surprise for you..." May says with a smile. "Well go on, open it!"

With that, Peter tears open the box to see a new binder, with a note saying. "Congrats on the internship. Love, May."

"Aunt May, it's great! Thank you so much!" Peter says as he goes to hug May.

"I wanted to do something special for you once I found out about the internship, and I know your binder is pretty old and worn out, so I figured it was time for a new one. But now you have to tell me all about the internship! How was it, is Mr.Stark nice to you, does he know you're trans?"
Peter gives a small chuckle before saying, "It was great, he's really nice, and no he doesn't know yet but I plan to tell him soon. Can you leave for a sec so I can put my new binder on?"

"Of course Pete, and as soon as you're ready we're going to the Thai place down the road!"
After May shuts the door, Peter takes off his hoodie and sports bra so he can put on his new binder, hesitating only a second when he sees his bruised chest. 

About an hour later, May and Peter get back from dinner and Peter is exhausted. "I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit, I'm still tired from the trip." 

"Alright, but don't forget to take the binder off before you go to sleep. Love you" 

Peter does as she says and falls asleep almost instantly, and it isn't until he wakes up that Peter realizes he didn't patrol last night. There's still a few hours before school, so he decides to just go out now. 

He swings through the streets a while and stops a break in before heading back. After noticing what time it is, he rushes out the door to try and catch the subway on time.

A Few Weeks Later

"It's been three weeks and I still haven't heard back from Mr.Stark. The internship can't already be over, can it?" He asks Ned as they walk to chemistry class.

" Maybe he just doesn't need you right now or he's got something huge planned for you and you just need to wait it out."

"Maybe. Thanks, Ned."

As they walk into chemistry, Flash Thompson calls out "Penis Parker and his fat friend have arrived." The class laughs, but is abruptly cut off by the teacher walking in. Class starts, and for the whole period, Flash is whispering about Peter and glaring at him. 

After class, Peter rushed out and heads home. Before he can get there, he gets a call from an unknown number. 


"Hey kid, it's Tony Stark. If you want to stop by the tower I have something I've been working on for you."

Peter smiles and says "Yeah yeah of course Mr.Stark, I'll be there in 15 minuets."

Peter swing all the way across the city, only stopping once because his ribs were hurting. He's out of breath when he gets to the tower and changes back into his regular clothes. 

He goes up the lift to floor 87, and Mr.Stark is waiting for him in front of the first door. Peter lets out a small gasp as he walks in.

A/N: alright folks that's all for this chapter, hope you like it so far! Sorry for all the time jumps. Also, I know I'm not following the MCU story line quite exactly, I cut out a bit because what's gonna happen next is the part I've really been wanting to write. :) Next update coming soon!

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