11: Preparations

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, this chapter is a bit longer than usual, but I hope you enjoy it!

Peter's POV:

     I'm currently laying awake in my room at the tower at 2am on Saturday November 10th, thinking about how things are finally looking up for me. I left the hospital after a week, I got my casts off a month later, and although I still have a knee brace and can't walk without crutches, I'm back at school. Flash has backed off after we decided to sue him, and he was put on probation. We also got a restraining order, so he's no longer allowed within 50 ft of me unless absolutely necessary.

After a month and a half of waiting, I'm finally going on a first date with Alex tomorrow (technically today). He said to dress warm and use my wheelchair instead of crutches, but that it's a surprise where we're going. I'm anxious but really excited, which is why I can't sleep.  I get out of bed, crutch my way down to the kitchen and find Tony sitting at the counter with Aunt May.

They look up in unison, both smiling once they see that it's me. "Hey Pete, you want some hot chocolate?" Asks Aunt May, not surprised that I'm awake this late. I nod and go to the counter, sitting next to Tony. He ruffles my hair and says "you excited for your date?"

"Yeah, a bit nervous though. I still don't know where he's taking me."

"Ah it'll be fine, Alex is a nice guy. Just be safe and don't do anything I would've done as a teen."

"Alright dad." I say casually, having fallen into the habit of seeing him as my father figure.

"Hey, don't forget you also have a doctors appointment tomorrow with Bruce and some other doctor." Says aunt May as she hands me hot chocolate.

"Is it for my leg, or...?" I say, trailing off.

"It's just to make sure you can still get top surgery next month and that your injuries won't affect it."

"Oh, that makes sense." I say trying not to sound worried.

Aunt may catches on and says "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Flash only broke one rib and it's lower so it shouldn't affect anything but the appointment is just to make sure."

I nod, feeling less nervous about that. I'm suddenly really tired and decide to go to bed. Standing up, I grab my crutches and head towards the elevator.

"Goodnight guys, see you in a few hours."

They both respond with a "goodnight" and continue talking. I think they're becoming close now that Aunt May has being staying at the tower with me on weekends.

When I wake up seven hours later, it feels like I got two seconds of sleep. Despite being exhausted, I get up and get ready for my doctors appointment. It's a struggle to get dressed with my bulky metal brace, so even though it's a cold November day, I'm wearing shorts. I throw on my binder (which I hopefully won't need in a month), with a shirt, hoodie and flannel over it.

After deciding that I look decent enough, I make my way down to the kitchen. This time, I find Steve, Nat, and Thor sitting at the counter, while Clint is making pancakes.

"Hey Clint no need to make any pancakes for me, I'm in a rush so I'm just going to have some cereal." I only say that because he tends to burn the pancakes, and even when he doesn't burn them, they taste like concrete.

"Guess that means more for Nat." Clint says, and I can hear Nat groan in response. I smirk and sit at the counter next to Thor, who's visiting for a few days from Asgard. I have one of my web shooters on, so I use that to bring the cocoa pebbles over to me, along with a bowl. I don't put milk in cereal because milk is disgusting. As soon as I take a bite, May walks in and looks at her watch.

"Pete it's already 9:55! Your appointment is at 10:15 and you and Bruce are driving there, which takes 20 minutes without traffic! You better find Bruce and go now so you're not late!"

"Okay okay I'm going... wait, you're not coming with me?" I ask nervously.

"No sweetie I have to work, I'm sorry. It'll be fine Pete, you have nothing to worry about. Now go!"

I go down to the labs and almost crash into Bruce in the way in. "Hey good timing kiddo, I was about to come find you so we can leave."

I just nod, too anxious to say much. And that's how I am for the whole car ride. I stare out the window silently, trying (and failing) to not think about what happens if I can't get surgery. Before I know it, Bruce and I are rushing into the doctors office, only five minutes late.

An older man walks in and smiles at us, going to shake our hands. He looks at Bruce and says "Dr.Banner, it's a pleasure to be working with you," he then turns to me and says "And you must be Peter! I'm Dr.Greene, and I'll be your surgeon. Now, I heard you were injured about a month ago... and I can see that you still are." He glances at my knee and crutches.

"Although I don't believe your injuries will interfere with the procedure, I called you here to make sure your ribs are healed and so that we can decide on a surgical plan. Sound good?"

I nod, still too nervous to speak.

"Okay great. I'm going to need you to get into the gown that a nurse will bring in a second here, and once you're dressed please meet me in the exam room, which is the first door on the right once you leave this room." He leaves and motions for Bruce to follow.

I sit in the room for a few minutes before a nurse walks in carrying a hospital gown and a tray. "Hi sweetie, please place all belongings on the tray and put on the gown." She makes no effort to leave so I ask "I-In front of you?" She nods and I grab the gown, turn my back and strip as quickly as possible, but my brace makes it difficult. After I'm covered by the flimsy gown I turn back around and place my folded clothes, my phone, and my shoes in the tray. She leaves and I follow her out, going to the exam room.

There's an X-ray machine, a bed, some chairs, and a desk. It all looks so... clean. And boring. Dr. Greene instructs me to get in the X-ray machine, so I do, and wait patiently as he scans my upper body. After that's finished, I sit on the bed, with my good leg underneath me and my bad leg hanging off the bed.

"So peter, it looks like your ribs are all good. Your healing abilities seem to work quite well. You've recovered nearly 4 times faster than normal, which is-"

I interrupt him. "Yeah yeah I heal fast, does this mean I can still get the surgery?" I ask.

He chuckles and nods, saying "yes this means you can have surgery." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Now we just need to figure out how to go about this."

I zone out after that, and we leave the building an hour later after deciding on a double incision, and moving my surgery day up a week so that I will be more healed when school starts again after winter break. With today being November 10th, and my top surgery date on December 3, that means it's 23 days away. Between the surgery and going on a date with Alex, I couldn't be happier.

A/N:I'll be editing my previous chapters this week, so if you get update notifications, they might not be a legit update (sorry)! Anyways, I hope you're all well and had a good thanksgiving (if you celebrated it)! Also, comment what you want to see happen! I'm almost at the end of what I planned, but I'm willing to keep the story going and take requests!

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