12: The Date

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A/N: Hey, it's finally the date! I made you guys wait so long because this is a super long chapter, hope you like it!

As soon as we get back to the tower, I grab my web shooters and start swinging all across the tower. I'm too excited and anxious to sit still, and even with a broken knee I can still swing... as long as I don't fall. But knowing my luck, I crash right into Wanda as she's walking out of the bathroom. 

"Are you okay Peter?" 

"I'm better than okay! My top surgery is in 23 days, and I have a date with the cutest boy in the world in about 6 hours! Honestly I'm kind of nervous but in a weird way, you know? But I'm more excited than nervous, because he's so cute and nice and he knows I'm trans but doesn't care! Well of course he cares but I mean in a good way! Like he reminds me to take off my binder and he helps me feel less dysphoric and he's so sweet and our date today is a surprise. I hate surprises but I can't wait because I can tell this is a good surprise!"  

I basically shout all of that at Wanda, and she smiles down at me (I'm still on the floor) and says "That's great Peter, he sounds really nice. I can tell you're excited, so why don't we go play some Mario kart to keep you busy... in a safe way, so you don't hurt your leg anymore."

"Yeah sounds great! But... I could use a little help up..." I say, a little embarrassed. Wanda just smiles and asks "piggy back ride, or telekinetic power ride?" I light up and before I can even say "piggy back", I'm being lifted onto her back and carried towards the game room. She sets me carefully onto the couch and sets up Mario Kart. 

Natasha walks in about 4 races later, and she joins in. We play for a solid 3 hours without breaks, and eventually I get tired of beating everyone so I start to get up to go to my room, but I forgot I don't have my crutches with me. I face plant into some guacamole, and instantly Nat is taking a picture- while doubling over laughing, of course. 

"Kid, this is great, you'll be viral in an hour!"

Seeing as I can't chase her around the house with my leg, I'm helpless and can only watch as she clicks post.

"I'll get you back for that." I grumble as Wanda helps me up. Nat just laughs, probably because I still have guacamole on my face. 

Luckily Tony walks in carrying my crutches, so I can be free to leave without someone helping me. "Nice face mask kid. I saw what happened on the security footage and figured you might want these." 

"Thanks." I mumble as I hurriedly grab the metal sticks of torture (these things are killing my armpits) and head up to my room. By the time I get up to my room, it's already 4 pm, and Alex is picking me up at 6:15. I bring my towel, a clean(ish) binder, and some underwear into the bathroom and take a quick shower. After struggling into the binder and combing my hair, I step out of the bathroom and start trying to find the right outfit. 

After an hour of searching and trying on clothes, I settle on loose sweats (since I can't take my brace off), a long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve shirt over it, a flannel, and I grab a hoodie as well just in case. I'm tying my shoes when my phone rings, Alex's name popping up on the screen. 

I put him on speakerphone and he says "Hey I'm on my way, but I forgot blankets. Can you bring some?" 

"Yeah of course, but what do we need blankets for?" I ask, trying to get him to tell me more about where we're going. 

"That'll ruin the surprise, and I may not be as smart as you but I can't be fooled that easily."

 "You got me babe." I freeze mid laugh as I realize I just called him "babe". 

It's silent for a second, but Alex eases my anxiety and says "Babe, huh? Alright, I'm cool with that as long as I can call you babe as well." 

"Of course- just don't over do it." 

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