1: Backstory

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TW: Self harm, suicide. Look for bold and italicized words for start/end of TW.

At age 7, she refused to wear dresses or skirts, and she insisted that she was a boy. 

At age 9, she was bullied for being  different and  after that, she tried to fit in with the other girls. That didn't last long. 

When she was 11, she  was back to only wearing jeans and a T-shirt 24/7. 

At age 12, she cried herself to sleep because she hated her body.

When she was 13, she cut her hair in the bathroom when aunt May and uncle Ben were asleep. Then she cut her wrists because she still hated herself. 

Just before she turned 14, she was binding her chest with duct tape and ace bandages and had refused to talk ever since uncle Ben had died.

On her 14th birthday she attempted suicide because she couldn't imagine living another year like this.

When aunt May took her home, she spoke for the first time in  months.  She said to aunt May, 

"I'm a boy. I know I was born a girl, but I'm a boy inside."  

"Oh sweetie, I've always known. Ever since your parents dropped you off here, I've known. I was just waiting for you to tell me. It's okay."

After that, things got better. Aunt May got him a binder, and he moved schools. His name was changed to Peter Benjamin Parker in the school system, and he started testosterone a few months later.

Then he got bit by the spider and everything started to change even more. He suddenly had muscles, could stick to walls, and was super athletic. 

After he began using his powers for good, he got noticed by Tony Stark. He showed up at his house one day and said that Peter was chosen for an "internship" and was to leave right away. 

Soon after, Peter was fighting with and against the avengers as Spider-Man. He was doing great until he got hit in the chest and his binder started hurting way too much to continue. 

After the fight, he went with Tony back to the Stark tower and was showed to his room, which was almost the size of his and May's entire apartment. He didn't bother showering before he flopped on his bed and went to sleep.

A/N: Almost everyone knows Peter's backstory from the films, but I just wanted to add in some trans stuff to make it flow better with the story. 

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