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Olivia's pov
next morning

"Olivia, can you go wake Ethan up and call him down for breakfast please" Lisa, ellie and Ethans mom asked me.

Ellie was in the shower and I was the only one up and ready. To be honest, I kind of didn't want to go in his room. It makes me nervous.

The countless times I've been in there before when we were dating, it all just swarms me. The memories.

But I love Lisa with all my heart, so I made my way up the stairs. When I reached his bedroom door, I took a long breath, mentally preparing myself.

He could snap at me for being in his room in the first place for all I know.

I brought my hand up to the wooden door and knocked lightly three times. After waiting for a few minutes, I gave up. Knowing Ethan, he wasn't going to wake up with just a few light taps on his door.

My hand reached the metal doorknob and I twisted it, opening his door.

I walked in and saw him sleeping peacefully.

as soon as I stepped in the room, his scent consumed me. It was beautiful.

Everything about him was.

"Ethan" I spoke, hoping he would wake up. I really didn't want to go any closer to him.

"Ethan, wake up" I spoke again, nervousness filled every inch of my body.

but yet again, he didn't wake up.

So I walked closer and stood on the edge of his bed.

Just thinking about him honestly made my heart race. I could feel my knees become weak and I felt like I was going to collapse.

He was lying on his back, facing the ceiling above. My hand reached his chest and I gently shook him.

"Ethan, breakfast is ready. Wake up" I spoke.

My hands became weak, just touching him.

As I went to shake him again, I felt something grip my wrist lightly. It was him. His hands wrapped around my tiny wrists and he effortlessly pulled me into his chest.

I fell onto his bed, partly laying on top of him now. His hands were now wrapped around my waist as he dug his head in the crook of my neck.

Suddenly, he placed a firm kiss on my neck, completely shaking me.

"oh my gosh" I whispered, trying to free myself from his grip.

What is he freaking doing!

"stay" he groaned. His morning voice was husky and... hot.

"Ethan stop" I spoke, still desperately trying to free myself, but he was much stronger than I was.

His grip on my waist finally loosened and moved his face away from my neck.

I got off of his bed and quickly made my way out of his room, and back to the kitchen.

My whole body felt flushed. what is he playing at.

I went and took a seat on the kitchen stool. Lisa was making breakfast in front of me.

"Is he up" She asked, chuckling slightly. Even she knows it can be a challenge.

"yup" I said, sighing at the end.

Ellie came down and sat on the couch.

"Man, do I have a headache" she whined.

her laziness made me laugh.

A few minutes later, Ethan came down. He walked over to the kitchen and took a seat next to me on the stool.

Again, that damn feeling is my stomach was back. It needs to stop.

He was still sleepy, I watched as he rubbed his eyes.

"Ethan, Olivia was sleeping on the couch this morning. You should have offered her your room. I've taught you better then that" Lisa spoke, causing my cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. Oh god.

"Why would I offer her my bed?" He snickered in a harsh tone.


what the heck is up his ass. Just a few moments ago he was being all cute with me when it was just the two of us.

"Stop being a dick" Ellie snapped from the couch.

"language" Lisa scolded.

I turned my head to face Ethan, only to see that he was already looking at me. He looked like he was thinking deeply.

we both maintained a straight face, just looking at each other with no expression.

Until finally he broke down and started laughing, causing me to laugh after him.

Damn it, this boy.

It hurts. The little remarks he makes. Especially because he does it in front of others. It humiliates me a lot.

I hate that I let him have this power over me, and he knows it. Somehow I can't control it.

A piece of me still misses him. The time he was mine.

But a piece of me has lost hope. Lost hope in the fact that he will ever change and become the amazing person he used to be.

I don't know what caused him to change, but I hate it.

loverboy <33
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