Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up at six o'clock.Definitely not expecting the sleepy boyfriend Matt next to me what so ever."Matt!" I said

at the sight of him in my bed. "Huh..."He said turning over snatching covers to the side of the bed he was sleeping on.Being as sleepily

stubborn as he could be he fell back to sleep."Matt...wake up!!"I said a bit louder shaking him.His eyes fluttered only

to open then close with a slight readjustment. Then opened his eyes to the setting of where he was.Yes crack head!Your in my

room."Oh... how'd I get here?!?"I laughed a little at him."Really?You were supposed to not be here...You were supposed to

leave BEFORE my angry brother woke up!"I said.He got off of the bed,yawning extremely loud."Shush!"I said laughing."Oh be quiet!

No one's going to hear me!"He said jumping over me.In the position of almost kissing there was a knock on the door."Hold on Im

getting dressed!"I said to whoever was at the door.Matt ducked down and crawled under my bed."Opened the door."Hey

dad!"I said.He was dressed in his gear."I heard you up and I thought I'd say bye before I head off that's all.I'll be back tonight just a little

paper work today."He said.I was glad he was staying home too.Who knows what mess Justin would try to pull.I really miss my loving

brother that I had."If you head off you know your curfew...Hey we've been close at one point.Before I dating any of them

boys you've been hanging with.I just wanna know."He said deviously."Dad,Go your gonna be late!"I said laughing."Does that mean

yes?""Get out of here,Dad!"I said smiling."Bye,honey,love you!"He said walking away from my door."When are you going to tell everyone?"I

jumped out of my skin.I forgot Matt was under my bed."Did I scare you?I was only here like hidden under your bed for what, Ugh two

minutes?"I laughed at him."You scared me."I said."When are you going to tell everyone about us?"He asked.I laughed."Not patient."He smiled.I smiled back.He had the sexiest smile to me.There was something about that smile...there

really was and he never failed to turn a boring situation,fun with it.He walked up to look at me.My felt heavy again.I

looked in my door mirror.My other cheek had freshly bruised up making the previous bruise look less painful.It was from

yesterday of course and I felt awful."Yet,I warned you about it yesterday."I shook my head."Matt..."My words mouth not able to say aloud

for him to hear."I said-I told you yesterday...did I not?"He sighed.I breathlessly mouth words I but I couldn't speak.My

throat clogged and I felt a large lump I didn't want to feel.I put my hands to my face.I looked so ugly.I didn't want to be seen like this.He

grabbed my wrist pulling hard towards him as I pulled equally as hard back."It's okay,It is okay."He said forcing my hands around his

waist.I buried my face in his chest,the only words spilling out slow."Am I ugly to you?" "No,your not... Im gonna handle him...I

promise.""You keep fucking saying that."I slipped out barely.I felt my face scrunch up as most people's do when they cry very

heavily."Stop."He said."He never hit me before this...I was his little sister...I am his little sister.I miss my old life."He gripped me

tighter.Only this was becoming a routine for me and a new chapter of lemons life brought...I didn't want to read this new chapter what

so ever.I sniffed fixing my face.I knew what I told myself was right.Crying only makes you look like a baby who want's attention."Here,

let me help you out."I said handing him my keys and stepping out of my room to check where Justin was.He was in his room with the

door open.I peaked into slightly. He was on his bed probably waiting for me to get out of bed.I walked back into my room."He's in his

room. I don't know you can just pass the room quietly and head out."He placed back on the clothes he came with and quietly opened the

door.Slowly I walked behind him.He took himself down to crawl aside my brother's door.I did as well before quietly rush down the steps

to the door.I opened it quietly."Okay,that worked."He said looking down."Hey, don't be sad okay.I'll pick you up and

we'll have a good time and I'll handle him later.I promise."He said then kissed me."Bye."I said.I swiftly turned to catch my

brother behind me."He stayed the night huh?"J said.I looked down gripping both of my sweaty hands together."Well..." He said.I

nodded slowly.Not looking up once."Did he touch you?"He asked."No why would you even ask that!"I said upset."Your a lier...he

probably did,didn't he!You let people come in to our house and threaten me.And then you let them stay here." Justin bald his hand up to

punch me in the stomach.The air forced out of my system as I fell to the ground. "Show that punk,son of a bitch

that.Then he punched me again in my thigh,feeling the searing fire in my leg."When dad's gone this is my house!This is my house!You

volunteer here,fucking bitch."He grabbed at my shirt while I stayed still pain faced but not crying.He started shaking me."This is

how far hate can get you!You wanna be stuck like this I can keep you this way!"He grabbed at my neck,forcing me up because I was being

choked. "J-Justin please!"I breathlessly said and I was being risen.The grip became harder then harder.I felt my lugs begin to burn and my

face turn blue then I felt myself losing consciousness,and my sight got blurry and then finally the grip around my neck

released and I fell to the ground as my senses went back to normal.I coughed and sputtered.I looked up at this monster of a brother of

mine.He had rage written across his face at the sight of me.The slightest look made my bones shutter inside of me.He walked up the stairs

to his room slow.Once he was out of sight I did as well.Walking into my bathroom.I noticed an already forming purple and

blue ring around my neck. Getting dressed today I wore regular Aeropostale shorts with a plain white T-shirt and put my hair in a

ponytail.I put on white vans and did my make up to where there was nothing on my face.I walked back into the bathroom and lifted up

my shirt there was a blue-reddish mark already forming on my stomach.I looked terrible.Just not on my face...I put on so much

foundation that I felt my face become heavy.I walked downstairs.I called Matt but he would answer his phone.I called Nash."Hey,what's

up."He said."What are ya'll doing?"I asked."Right now we have a basket full of eggs.-How many cartons?-Twelve cartons of eggs were

about to go buy and Cameron insisted he'd pay for it.You know were just going to pelt it at ya'll right.""Yeah but I need a

ride,Matt has my car,is he with you guys?""No he came home as soon as we left.Were in the line now,were by the 99cent

store near the house.We'll call you when were done okay?Like you!"I laughed."Like you too."I ended the call and sat on the

floor near the door,resting my arms on my knees and placing my head in them.I think I stayed that way for about ten minutes before I

heard my phone ring."Were outside!" Nash said answering and hanging up.I opened the door.They were there in the drive way.I

walked toward the car hoping in."Hey girl,what's up?"Cameron said. "Nothing much just so excited to get pelt with eggs."I said as he

drove off. I did begin to notice I was feeling down.I tried my hardest to perk up at this moment.Who the hell could after almost dying.

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