Chapter Thirty-Five

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We had called a cab to pick me and Matt up.Remembering all the spots and the conversations and my on going thoughts

about him at the time.I use to think his smile was AMAZING which it was and he liked to know about me more than anything and he

kept his promises...always.I was trying to not be into him but every time we met up we were making out.Not like I had a REAL relationship

before,I was that type of girl to turn down every guy at my feet scared of peer pressure and being forced to take things to the next level

with a guy who seems sweet but isn't.When you looked at Matt you knew he was sweet and caring and abnegate and honest.He was the perfect

mixture of innocent yet not innocent.He was fun and not bad and kind but not boring.I can only imagine losing a personality like that

to a girl who doesn't notice how great he was.I lost train of my thoughts to the sight of a beach we had walked on way back.Almost a year

now."It looks like it's about to rain."He said laughing.I nodded smiling at the area."We hopped out the car and headed to the beach.He

grabbed my hand as we walked down the wooden dock."I've seen you do a lot of things, apologize, help, know a lot."He

began as we both looked straight ahead watching as other couples pass by."I've seen your personality,your face without make-up,you

sleeping,you laughing and crying.Your personal places in your mind and all together on you...I know a lot about you...A LOT...but

I've never seen that side of you that I saw yesterday...the unresponsive freak-out.That scared me.""That happens more

than you's triggered when traumatic events are taken place.I used to have a psychiatrist and she helped stop a lot of them

but my dad didn't have enough money to continue them they came back."Matthew kept quiet thinking about the incident

most likely.Some where,some how it would of came out and I was ready reguardless."Megan,Im not going to be gone forever you

know...Maybe just head home and a little travel and I'll come right back with you for a couple of months."He tried to help but it wasn't

working."Matt,babe...I'll be on the streets,I can't stay at Nash's mom's house anymore and I'm not burning a hole in your

parents pockets because she has to provide for you,and your brother and sister...I ain't going back home.My dad doesn't have a home

anymore.My Grandma is old and sick and I barely talk to her because she's my mom's mom.I really will be no where.Can you see why I'd

be crying?These are my last few days as a person with everything she could possibly ask for.Matt it just wouldn't happen the way I

would want it to."He didn't say anything and the walk down the closed empty boardwalk was almost silent.He decided it be best

if we'd change the subject."You know you could head over to my house and there'd be no car in the drive way for me.Kind of jealous

you have one."I didn't want to drag a boring conversation."Yeah..."I said plainly.The sky had been dark and fires were lit in the

night on the sand...groups of teenagers and young adults enjoying themselves and roasting marshmellows.We looked over the wood railing

and watched.Maybe we could do that tommorrow,I would bring it up later.Matt slowly walked behind me placing both of his arms on

either side of me on the railing,leaning some of his body weight against mine.He kissed behind my ear.I looked over at the

water splashing."Megan,I'll figure something out okay...Before this ends I'll figure it out."He said,his light brown eyes wandering

else where.I turned around,his chest was touching mines.I rested my forehead on his."Matt,don't promise me anything...You

don't need that pressure."I whispered,waves crashing...nearly cutting me off."I can't promise that."He said and kissed me on the

lips with a long one.He pulled away calling to see if Nash had gotten his car yet so Cameron could pick us up.Even then Matthew

hadn't talked to Nash,I didn't know if he was still angry at that boy...It was a while back but still even then Matthew didn't want to

be bothered with this kid.We walked back along the dock when know one answered and simply called a cab.I didn't want him to promise

anything to some one who wasn't honest,loyal and last but not least some one who wasn't even going to stay.

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