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So like u kno that babs comic series made by artist babs tarr. Anyways. I like parts of the storyline so i like the idea that babs gets an implant at some point that lets her walk again and it helps her with her techy stuff but also has issues with being hacked etc

Anyways, i also like her getting to be batgirl again, and all that, since the other two batgirls have their own identities now.

One part i dont particularly like is the conflict btw babs and dick bc like?? They grew up together. I get she mourned him but if someone i deeply love and care about, even in a romantic way, was presumed dead then,,,, came back? My first instinct wouldnt be to get into a fist fight. I'd be like "oh my god ur alive plz let me hug you are u ok what happened"

so yeah

Babs and dick were bffs before romance-y stuff happened. They're def friends after. They're always first and foremost best friends. Yea ok they've been in lvoe with each other for years but they're still best friends.

Literally dickbabs is my endgame even tho i love Kori because i just.... I love the whole slowburn, old friends feel of it all. They've had feelings for each other for forever and like... they've been there for each other for forever. Like usually slowburn irritates me bc it takes sooooo long but like? Their relationship is one im perfectly fine with. Dick is a guy full of wonder and sunshine and so much energy and babs has been thru so much and the warmth that he emits...? She just,,,, i think, personally, she needs that. And he's always been in love with her so.

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