You asked me who I was.

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"You asked me who I was, and I told you I didn't know, and you think I said that because I didn't want to tell you who I was or something like that, but it's not like that at all. I just really have no Idea about who I am. I know some stuff like I know I live to sleep, I'm a drug addict and an artist, I'm know I'm totally depressed and I know I destroy everything that I touch, and most of all I know I'm in love with you. But I still don't get why I'm so attracted to bad stuff and I'm doing everything to get away from reality and especially why I just need to destroy every fucking thing that can bring me happiness. And I don't know why sometimes I can be the loveliest person you'll ever meet, and sometimes I can be the most heartless person you'll ever see. I don't know why my thoughts are destined to kill myself slowly and why I'm so depressed all the time, and I don't know why I can't stay faithful to the one I love. Because I'm trying so hard to stay faithful and to stop destroying things and to stop taking drugs, but actually, it's just... Who I am. I'm a self-destructive bitch who you'll wish you never met. That's who I am. I'm the girl you'll think is the woman of your life, and you'll soon realize I was your biggest mistake and you'll hate yourself for all the things you did for me and all the things you said, when I'll break your heart like I'm destined to. And I'm sorry for who I am, I never wanted to be this way. I wanted to be right for you, but the truth is, I'm not right for anyone. 

I'm not right at all."

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