Chapter 13

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The Ji family apologize to the Longsheng family because of their problem it almost destroys Yuu's birthday party.

After the party, Longsheng Yuu heard from her mother the disturbance caused by Lanie's mother. He also found out that Lanie will be sent to a Boarding school in B country in order to protect her against her mother schemes.  He felt pity for her to have that kind of mother.

Longsheng Yuu fell asleep while thinking about Lanie. A moments later his dream started again, in his dream he saw again a man holding a woman lying in bed full of blood and a woman in the side, holding a gun. Ever since she met Ji Lanie he's been restless every night. What shocked him the most to find out that man was him, the woman lying in bed is Ji Lanie and the woman holding a gun is actually my maternal cousin Yun Xiao.


In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. The dream that I keep having is actually my memories in my past life even though the present is totally different from my past but it's ok at least this time I'll be the one who takes care and protect her.

My first meeting with Lanie is at the First cake competition held in our country and hosted by Longsheng and Ji group. I noticed her immediately cause she was very pretty although she's wearing ragged clothes. She's the only competitor alone. Everyone was amazed cause she's alone but manage to finish her fondant cake in time and when the competition end she won bronze. After that I found myself following her. I heard she became assistant of "sugar king" and compete in the UK. They manage to win and create First International Best prize at Cake International, the world's largest cake competition held in the UK.

 They manage to win and create First International Best prize at Cake International, the world's largest cake competition held in the UK

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(This fondant cake is made by Zhou Yi the sugar king of China)

After she came back Lanie still working a pastry shop called "House of Cake". I always visited the shop just seeing her is enough for me. Until one day her mother shows up begging her to return home. At first, I was shocked to see her full of loathing and hatred against her. I investigate Ji Lanie's background and found out why. At that time the Gu group is having a financial problem although they were under the Longsheng Group for a long time they can't produce a new game and they haven't upgraded the game of Battle of Destiny that I made that an excuse causing the Longsheng group to terminate their contract. I made a bad move because of that Lanie sympathize Gu Mengshi and returned to them. I was furious and didn't expect it to happen. Then It gave me an opportunity when Lanie hacks my Longsheng Group software. I decided to arrest her and confined to my house. First, she was angry at and cursing me but I woo her persistently and wait patiently my hard work pay off she finally become mine although I  accidentally did what man and woman do. She only forgives me when I cry in front of her and telling her I've been in love with her for a long time and how I stalking her. After a while finally gave in and she forgave me. In order for not to get bored, I let compete in cake competition internationally where she became known. We were planning to get married.

I made a bad move again and let Yun Xiao at my house and let her becomes Lanie's friend I should believe Ji Rie and Ji Yun that my cousin is no good at all.  At first, everything is alright until I noticed Lanie is always in trance state, then she will suddenly cry. She was afraid of me again. I hired a doctor to check up on her. But when I  got home and went to Lanie's room I could hear Yun Xiao voice screaming at Lanie and cursing her then I hear a shot. I felt my world stop turning and my legs don't have a strength to move when I saw Lanie in the bed. I sent Yun Xiao to prison and made sure her life is miserable.
When I was mourning for Lanie's death. Head of Long software company unexpectedly came with an old man wearing a Taoist robe she starts crying in front of Lanie's coffin. I found out Lanie biological mother is Zhou Wei and the old man is Zhou Ming he is Lanie's grandfather although Lanie is not gifted as Taoist, as a descendant, he will not allow his granddaughter to die miserably.
At that time there's a rift in a space and time what Zhou Ming did is to use that rift and send Lanie's soul back in time. I use my remaining lifespan in order to protect her soul.

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