[Chapter 16] "You aren't invited."

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I drop the luggage down as I head towards the bed, exhausted. The long hours in the flight has drained me of my energy. I walk with heavy step and on reaching the bed, I drop myself on to the bed, pulling the sheets around me, simultaneously. Sitting in a place for hours was something I never liked. My limbs start aching and I usually feel nauseous.

"You should at least shower before sleeping," Jimin says as he enters the room, closing the door behind him.

I glare at him. I'm totally exhausted but maybe a warm shower could stop the rising pain.
I lazily drag myself out of bed and picking up my towel and a pair of comfortable clothes I head to take a shower.

Once I'm done showering I change immediately. The warm water surely helped and I feel a little fresh.
When I leave the bathroom I'm met with a Jimin who is immersed in his phone. He soon looks up to me.

"Eomma wanted to talk to you, she's waiting downstairs,"he says.

"About what though?"

"I don't know. Don't question so much, she doesn't bite."

I simply nod as I head downwards. What if she got to know about what happened in Singapore? Is she going to question me on that? But Jimin had made sure the news doesn't reach them. To them it had to look like a simple vacation a couple would love to go on.

As I reach downstairs I see her sitting on the sofa with a magazine in her hand. She wears her reading glasses with elegance.

"eomeoni,"I call out.
Her gaze shifts from the magazine to me and she smiles as she removes her spectacles.

"Come, sit down,dear," she gestures for me to sit beside her. I walk slowly, sitting beside her.

"How was the trip? Did you enjoy it?"she asks with enthusiasm.

"Yes, it was relaxing,"I smile.

"Oh! Am I getting grandchildren soon?" She asks eagerly.
She din't hear a word about the incident.

I turn red. I don't know what to say. It doesn't seem like a topic I would like to discuss with her.

"Well, let me get to the point, abeoji has arranged for a party this weekend. Jimin doesn't like parties, you probably figured, he loves being immersed in his work. You'll have to convince him to attend."

Okay, I din't expect that coming. Convincing Jimin to do something you want him to can be pretty hard. He doesn't give in to things easily.

This would be quite hard.

"You must be tired from the ride back home, you can go back to sleep,"she says with a smile.

"Yes and I'll see if I can convince him,"I say as I get up from the sofa.

"You should have mastered that skill by now."

I smile at her statement before bowing towards her and leaving to my room.

I open the door only to be met with a Jimin who is typing away on his laptop. He sits on the bed with paper scattered around him.

"Don't overwork yourself,"I say,worried.

He glances at me before returning to type on his laptop. Rude.

"Okay at least clear the bed, I need to sleep,"I whine.

"I'll be done in a few minutes, can you please wait until then?" He asks with his eyes still focusing on the screen before him. I sigh as I pick up my phone, scrolling through random videos.

After a few minutes Jimin clears the bed and I smile as I get under the covers.

"Switch off the lights for me, thanks."

He sighs as he walks with heavy steps to the switch board. My eyes take some seconds to het used to the dark and then I sense Jimin lying down behind me.

I turn to face him.

"Can you take a day off tomorrow?" I ask slowly.

"Why?" He asks in a sleepy voice.

"I need to go shopping for a dress and I don't like shopping alone. None of my friends are free I already tried convincing them."


"Well, abeoji has arranged for a party this weekend and I need to buy a dress, I don't really wear dresses."

"Party?"he asks a little shocked.

"You aren't invited."

"Huh? They arrange for a party and don't bother to invite their own son?"

I don't reply.
"I'm definitely coming." I din't think it would be this easy.

"When did you say the party was?"

"This weekend."

"As in the day after tomorrow?"

Oh no! I definitely need to go shopping tomorrow.

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