Tear Trails

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     I can feel the tension between us physically, like centipedes running down my spine. None of my friends interact with each other for the rest of the school day. I barely see Rosie for the rest of the school day. Chase was suspended, Johnny was sent home with an icepack. It's not until the final bell rings do I see Rosie waiting by street corner, I went up to her

     "Hey," she waved, speaking quietly.

     "You okay?" I asked. 

     "Look," she pointed across the street to, where I spotted Ramon walking by himself. "We should go see if he's alright."

     "Yeah," I agreed, "but how are you doing?"

     "They're just words to me Gwen, I know who I am, I know how scummy Johnny can be. That's all he is to me." It was strange hearing so cold a sentence come from so warm a person.

     I bit my lip, and opened my arms to give her a quick hug, "Just in case." She patted my back, and I knew she was okay.

     Ramon's head hung low when we caught up with him. His head snapped up when I called his name and I caught sight of his red, puffy eyes. He looked away quickly and rubbed his eyes, his wavy auburn hair fell over his eyes. We walked beside him, quietly for a few moments, I put my hand on his shoulder.

     "Sorry," he muttered.

     "Don't apologize," I insisted.

     His face twitched slightly, "s- I mean, ah... I'm not sure what to say."

     "It's okay," Rosie comforted him.

     I noticed he seemed to be leaning away from us ever so slightly, like he was trying to hide his face, "you can talk to us if you want, or not. We just figured it'd be cool to walk you home, if you're okay with that."

      He sniffed and smiled weakly, "yeah, it's really nice. Thanks."

     "You okay?" I asked, letting my voice go soft.

     He shrugged, "I shouldn't be surprised, I don't know why I'm reacting so badly. Johnny does this sort of thing to everyone. I don't know why I thought I was different."

     Rosie and I shared a look.

     "Do you guys think I'm blind sighting myself to all the horrible parts of him because I like him?" Ramon blurted out before we could say anything.

     "Uh, well you know he's not the best kid, so you're not in denial," I attempted to explain, "Right?"

     "Yeah of course. I know he's someone I should stay away from, but I also want to stick by him because I don't think anyone else does. I think...I think he needs me now more than ever now that Chase has blown up at him. She might have been pretty and listened to all his problems but I don't think he'll let her embarrass him like that. Actually... can I tell you something?"

     "Of course," I promised.

    "Anytime," Rosie seconded.

     "He used to tell me things to," Ramon bit his lip, "he used to talk to me all the time after school and on summer weekends and at camp. There was one time...I'll never forget it... it was the middle of the night a year ago. He texted me, and I realized he was upset, and he talked to me about it, and then he said I was his best friend. It drives me crazy."

     Rosie smiled gently, "if it makes you feel any better, that's definitely denial."

     "You think so?" Ramon looked up for the first time since we'd been walking.

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